eMovA Virtual mobility for Apprenticeship 1
« VIRTUAL MOBILITY = VIRTUAL MOBILITY : Definition Virtual mobility stands for a set of information and communication technologies (ICT) supported activities, organized at institutional level, that realize or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. » From vmcolab Project Virtual Mobility Collaboratory 2
« VIRTUAL MOBILITY = VIRTUAL MOBILITY : Definition Virtual mobility stands for a set of information and communication technologies (ICT) supported activities, organized at institutional level, that realize or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. » From vmcolab Project Virtual Mobility Collaboratory 3
« VIRTUAL MOBILITY = VIRTUAL MOBILITY : Definition Virtual mobility stands for a set of information and communication technologies (ICT) supported activities, organized at institutional level, that realize or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. » From vmcolab Project Virtual Mobility Collaboratory 4
« VIRTUAL MOBILITY = VIRTUAL MOBILITY : Definition Virtual mobility stands for a set of information and communication technologies (ICT) supported activities, organized at institutional level, that realize or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. » From vmcolab Project Virtual Mobility Collaboratory 5
« VIRTUAL MOBILITY = VIRTUAL MOBILITY : Definition Virtual mobility stands for a set of information and communication technologies (ICT) supported activities, organized at institutional level, that realize or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. » From vmcolab Project Virtual Mobility Collaboratory 6
VIRTUAL MOBILITY : a valuable tool… To improve the “learning quality” of the European internship To provide a virtual alternative to those who do not move abroad Why have you submitted a project on virtual mobility ? VIRTUAL MOBILITY : a valuable tool… 7
is an economical alternative to linguistic and cultural preparation gives everyone the opportunity to live experiences of european collaboration with people from different cultures brings an European dimension to the training systems, specially for the apprenticeship system … VIRTUAL MOBILITY… VIRTUAL MOBILITY : a valuable tool… 8
VIRTUAL MOBILITY = to physical mobility COMPLEMENT + ALTERNATIVE VIRTUAL MOBILITY : a valuable tool… 9
eMovA in 3 minutes VIRTUAL MOBILITY : eMova project 10
EURO-DIM : Innovation Transfer A brief review of Euro-DIM background Euro-DIM PROGRAMME : Leonardo Da Vinci – Innovation Transfer DURATION : Euro-DIM partners (from eMovA project) : Formation PME (BE), Handwerskammer Aachen (DE), Berufskolleg für Gestaltung und Technik /EU-GES (DE), APCMA (FR), Pôle de formation Pasteur (FR). 11
EURO-DIM : Main goal Integrate european mobility in apprenticeship system. Strategy composed of 4 areas of action 12
To describe the mobility by learning outcomes To mobilize and train all the actors involved To developp sectoral network To overcome language and cultural barriers Euro-DIM A tool full package for an integrated mobility Proposition of a common ECVET Unit Online training for mobility actors Euro-DIM Data base Euro-DIM Virtual mobility EURO-DIM : Strategy 13
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility Physical mobility BEFORE To prepare the physical mobility and to overcome the linguistic and cultural barriers SITUATION OF COMMUNICATION Virtual mobility 14
How to communicate over a distance ? ICT Information Communication Technologies EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 15
Conference in entire class EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 16
Work in group EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 17
Work in group EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 18
View of the class with the teacher EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 19
Video from the experiments in Belgium EURO-DIM : virtual mobility 20
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results For the apprentices : The apprentices had an active role of their learning. The teacher was just here to help them if they had any problems or questions. As they discussed and shared their work with others apprentices from other countries, they could give meaning to their work. 21
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results Experiments of virtual mobility PREPARATION SYNCHRONOUS ACTIVITIES per group or entire class EVALUATION of the experiment Stressed afraid Before starting Concentrated Motivated Autonomous Implicated HAPPY At the end Proud More confident 100% agree to do again virtual mobility 22
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results For the training actors : Satisfaction and surprise That’s the first time I see my apprentices so excited to speak english, even those with a very low level! 23
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results MOTIVATION IMPLICATION PARTICIPATION AUTONOMY During virtual mobility : 24
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results VIRTUAL MOBILITY To prepare virtual mobility cultural linguistic personal To achieve any educational goals any cross-cutting skills any specific skills 25
EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results Virtual mobility, a wonderfull tool, isn’t it ?! VIRTUAL MOBILITY 26
Because when the project ended, the actions of virtual mobility stopped… EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results Not really… 27
Difficulty to organize in apprenticeship system o The rhythm of alternation (school/enterprise) varies from a country to another, and from one school to another. o The program when the apprentices are in school, are usually very intense. Difficulties to substain actions of virtual mobility after Euro-DIM project : EURO-DIM : virtual mobility/Results Necessity to assist the training actors in the use of ICT o Today, everybody uses ICT in life to entertain, communicate, work… But their use in classroom is still limited according to countries. Virtual mobility = more work for the training actors o The training actors are busy. They can organise one time an experiment of virtual mobility but it’s difficult to ask them more. 28
Virtual Mobility eMovA/Euro-DIM Euro-DIMeMovA Pedagogical Activities eMovA/Euro-DIM : Overcome the barriers to develop virtual mobility in apprenticeship 29
eMovA : Objective 1/O1-Activities Production 10 Learning sequences ready to use Activities of collaboration Concerning cross cutting themes... Activities of valorisation To valorize competences acquired during an experience of mobility, internship, etc. Activities of teaching To develop knowledge, competences in a particular field. 30
eMovA : Objective 1/O1-Activities LEARNING SEQUENCE Pedagogical goals : Target audience : Field : Tools needed : Session 1In classeroom Session 2… Session 3In collaboration with another group (or others) Session 4… Session……. DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE on platform DIGITALISATION 31
eMovA : Objective 1/O1-Activities eMovA Learning sequences Apprenticeship system Pedagogical objectives pertinent and consistent Constraints of Apprenticeship system (period in school/period at work – dense program, etc.) Recommandations/ quality criteria Active learning 32
eMovA : Objective 1/O1-Activities Objective 1 DURING eMovAAFTER eMovA Recommandations Quality criteria 10 Learning sequences ready to use Help users to produce new learning sequences for virtual mobility Lots of learning sequences ready to use 33
eMovA : Objective 2/O2-Activities Objective 2 : Assist the training actors in the use of ICT 6 demonstration videos to show good practices using ICT for virtual mobility Production Look what they have done ! Why don’t we try too ? MOTIVATION – INSPIRATION – SHARE GOOD PRACTICES 34
eMovA : Objective 2/O2-Activities These videos will show : - how one tool or software works. - how a teacher/training actor uses ICT for virtual mobility and to achieve his pedagogical goals. ICT : not a goal but a MEAN to support virtual mobility and to achieve pedagogical goals 35
eMovA : Objective 2/O2-Videos Inspire Motivate Assist Exchange Support Share Strategy Recommandations/ 36
eMovA : Objective 3/O3-Space Pedagogical material for apprenticeship Learning sequences ready to use Demonstration videos Who wants to make virtual mobility with me ? 37
eMovA : Objective 3/O3-Space Objective 3 : Inform and facilitate the collaborations between the users 1 web space dedicated to virtual mobility on Euroapprenticeship platform Euroapprenticeship network = 300 members in Europe Production 38
eMovA : Objective 3/O3-Space To inform: Introduction of virtual mobility Presentations of eMovA products Share examples and good practices with demonstration video 39
eMovA : Objective 3/O3-Space I’m looking for a teacher motivated to do this learning sequence this year. To facilitate the collaboration : Social network tool Results and products of Learning sequence 6… 40
eMova = a tool full package… eMovA - A tool full package for virtual mobility in apprenticeship O1/eMovA-activities Learning sequences O2/eMovA-videos Demonstration videos O3/eMovA-space Web space 41
Target audience/Beneficiaries/Skateholders : TEACHERS Target audience Beneficiaries Apprentices & tutors Skateholders Coach mobility, VTC, Institutions & intermediary organizations 42
The partnership : 8 partners from 5 countries BELGIUM : Formation PME GERMANY : Eu-GES/BK Gut, HWK PORTUGAL : Waterpolis SLOVENIA : Solski center Velenje FRANCE : FREREF, APCMA, Pôle de formation Pasteur The partnership : 43
The partnership : Composition of the partnership 4 vocational training centers (directors, educational leaders, teachers, coach mobilities,…) 4 intermediary organisations (experts of mobility, collaborations, network facilitators). The partnership : 44
More informations very soon… on EAS platform by EAS newsletter on the website of eMovA Follow up eMovA project : 45
Thanks you for your attention. 46