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Presentation transcript:


 Discuss systems and individual issues creating barriers to delivery of patient care  Help improve patient care  Not to place blame or say who was at fault  If you were involved with this case, please do not state your involvement in the case GOALS

 Identify a case where there was a bad outcome, perhaps related to systems issues or cognitive error.  Review the case.  Break into groups  Small group brainstorm – why did things go wrong?  Small groups present their findings in a large group discussion.  Important to leave with root causes and possible solutions FORMAT

1.Adverse event? Medical Error? Causation? 2.Did Systems Errors contribute? Which types? 3.Did Individual or Cognitive Errors contribute? Which types? 4.List Heuristic Failures leading to Individual Errors 5.What level of harm came to the patient? 6.What would you disclose? 6 STEPS TO CASE ANALYSIS

 Escalation  Level of care assignments KEY ISSUES

 6:44am  51 yo female veteran, admitted from ER with asthma exacerbation  3 wks of progressive dyspnea, worse overnight  Asthma since childhood, flares seasonally  Increased use of inhalers recently  PCP appt 8 days prior- rx medrol dose pack, did not fill, nor filled Symbicort, Singulair or loratadine (concerned about being on too many meds) HISTORY – ADMIT NOTE

 New yellow sputum  Denies fevers, chills, N/V/D  Denies sick contacts  Hospitalized once for asthma, no prior intubations HISTORY - ADMIT NOTE

PMHx  Asthma- PFTs mild obstructive dz, last exac 1 yr ago, treated with prednisone  Low back pain  headaches  anemia Meds  Albuterol  Symbicort  Flonase  Gabapentin  Loratadine  Singulair  omeprazole HISTORY- PMHX, MEDS

SHx: Life-long non-smoker Rare ETOH No drugs FHx: none HISTORY- SHX, FHX

 PE:  VS –BP 116/58, P 79, R 18, T 98.5, Sats 81% on RA, up to 94% on 4L  Gen- lying with HOB elevated. Mild respiratory distress, able to speak 7-8 words between breaths  HEENT- Anicteric, EOMI, pterygia noted bilaterally. Nasal mucosa pink without discharge. Oral mucosa moist, pharynx without exudate  CV- tachycardic, regular rhythm, no S3S4, no m/r/g  Pulmo- no accessory muscle use. Diffuse insp and exp wheezing throughout PE ON ADMISSION

 PE:  Abd- soft, nl BS, NTND  Ext- no edema  Neuro- AAO x 4 PE ON ADMISSION

 Na 138, K 4.2,Cl 107, CO2 22, BUN 15, cr 0.69  WBC 12.7, Hgb 13.3, plt 262  CXR- heart size normal, lungs clear, no effusion ADMIT LABS, STUDIES

 Asthma exacerbation- likely due to seasonal allergies and med non-compliance  Supp O2- 4L  Given methylpred 125mg in ER  Cont prednisone 60mg po once then 40mg po daily x 4 days  Albuterol nebs every 2hrs  Ipratropium nebs every 6hrs  Resume Symbicort, Singular and Flonase A/P

 9:38am  Received pt in bed, eyes closed, easily arousable.  Sats 86-88% on 4L  Accepting day team to eval pt in ER  Ordered ABG, continuous nebs  7.41/36/46/22.8  MRICU consulted in ER, accepted  Pt started on BiPAP in ER ER NURSING NOTE

51 yo F, presents with asthma exacerbation with high O2 demand. No O2 requirement at home. Despite dual neb treatment, the whole pt objectively has not improved. ABG ordered this AM which shows marked hypoxia. With tachypnea and lack of air movement it was decided to consult the MICU and they have agreed to further care for this patient. DAY TEAM ATTENDING NOTE

 Chest CT without evidence of PE, although ground glass opacities noted, concerning for atypical infection  treated in ICU with NIV, levofloxacin for atypical infection  Weaned off O2, discharged home after 4 days HOSP COURSE

 Escalation  Level of care assignment KEY ISSUES

SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Modified Root Cause Analysis

1.Adverse event? Medical Error? Causation? 2.Did Systems Errors contribute? Which types? 3.Did Individual or Cognitive Errors contribute? Which types? 4.List Heuristic Failures leading to Individual Errors 5.What level of harm came to the patient? 6.What would you disclose? 6 STEPS TO CASE ANALYSIS

Adverse EventMedical Error ADVERSE EVENT VS MEDICAL ERROR Taken from sentinal

An unintentional, definable injury that was the result of medical management and not a disease process. ADVERSE EVENT

MEDICAL ERROR sentinal Failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim

1.Adverse event? Medical Error? Causation? 2.Did Systems Errors contribute? Which types? 3.Did Individual or Cognitive Errors contribute? Which types? 4.List Heuristic Failures leading to Individual Errors 5.What level of harm came to the patient? 6.What would you disclose? 6 STEPS TO CASE ANALYSIS