J M O’Meara, Undergraduate Advisor Department of Physics University of Guelph But What Can I DO With A Physics Degree?
How is studying physics useful? ► Physics plays a central role in addressing major societal issues e.g. global warming/climate change, pollution, energy sources, disease therapies,... ► A knowledge-based economy requires a scientifically-literate workforce
Employability Skills (Conference Board of Canada) the fundamental skills you need in the workplace: communication: “use relevant scientific knowledge and skills to explain or clarify ideas” information management: “access, analyze and apply knowledge and skills from various disciplines (e.g.... science, technology mathematics...)”
Employability Skills (Conference Board of Canada) the fundamental skills you need in the workplace: numeracy: “make estimates and verify calculations” problem solving: “readily use science, technology, and mathematics as ways to think, gain and share knowledge, solve problems and make decisions ”
Fundamental Employability Skills Problem solving Using numbers Managing information Learning continuously Working with others Being adaptable Communicating developed during your Physics degree
Profiles highlighting the ‘unconventional’
Steve Bell Education: ► Hons. B.Sc. in Physics, Minor in Computer Science ► Class of ’96, University of Guelph Current Employment: ► Lighting Technical Director, PDI|Dreamworks
Steve Bell Physics grad, class of ’96, U of G
Dan Falk Education: ► Hons. B.Sc. in Physics, Class of ’89, Dalhousie University Current Employment: ► Science Writer, freelance, with regular contributions to: the Globe and Mail CBC Radio programs "Ideas" and "Quirks and Quarks"
Elaine Lau Education: ► Hons. B.Sc. in Physics, U of T, ’92 ► M.Sc. in Physics, Simon Fraser University, ’94 Current Employment: ► Web Developer and Creative Director, o2 Group
JJ Offiong Education: ► Hons. B.Sc. in Physics, McMaster, ’96 ► M.Sc. in Physics, University of Saskatchewan, ’99 Current Employment: ► Defence Scientist, Operational Research Division, Dept of National Defence
The Bigger Picture From the American Institute of Physics
Some statistics on physics grads BSc’s awarded: ’85 to ’96 (Canadian data, 945 responses) R&D Teaching Computing Other Sales Consulting Product Development Mgmt Health Sciences unemployment: 2-3% overall <1% for those with graduate degrees
So, what can you DO with a Physics degree?... ANYTHING YOU WANT! jobs requiring: - problem solving skills- intellectual curiosity - numeracy - adaptability - communication skills- team work - time management
Careers in Physics: Web Resources ► ► ► ► ► careers.iop.org Or me: if you have any questions
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