Fuel flexible rotary kilns for the cement industry CHEC Annual Day, 2010 Anders Rooma Nielsen Supervisors: Kim Dam-Johansen (DTU) Peter Glarborg (DTU) Morten Boberg Larsen (FLSmidth)
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Agenda Alternative fuels in the cement industry Opportunities/challenges Project goal Current work CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 A highly energy intensive industry Global energy consumption ≈ 10 times the total energy consumption of Denmark. Cement production is responsible for ≈ 5% of the global CO 2 emissions. Fuel costs accounts for 30-40% of the total costs for cement production. Coal and pet coke are the traditional primary fuels in the cement industry. Great economical and environmental potential of replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuels.
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Examples of relevant alternative fuels Solid fuels, e.g. used tires, waste wood, commercial and industrial waste: Available in large quantities. Cheap Acceptable heating value
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Shredding costs can be minimised. BUT direct contact between fuel particles and cement raw materials may affect process stability and product quality!! Attractive to burn coarse alternative fuels in the rotary kiln
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Overall success criteria Develop a scientific based framework for processes occurring during solid fuel conversion in the material inlet of a cement rotary kiln. This framework should be used for: Precise prediction of the use of different alternative fuels directly in the material kiln inlet. Predicting effects of unburned alternative fuel fragments, originating from the calciner, in the material kiln inlet. Kiln system design modifications and new patentable products that will increase alternative fuel flexibility.
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Construction of rotary kiln inlet simulator Investigate combustion of different alternative fuels under conditions similar to those in the kiln inlet.
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Parameter study in rotating drum Tyre rubber cylinder: D = 9 mm, L = 25 mm. 6 rpm, 900°C, 100 NL/min, coarse quartz sand.
DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5 Future work Continue experiments in the rotary drum: Parameter study of selected fuels Effect of raw material characteristics Sulphur release from raw materials during combustion of selected fuels
Tak for opmærksomheden/ Thanks for the Attention ! CHEC Annual Day 2010, October 5