B. Ramamurthy 4/17/20151
Overview of EC2 Components (fig. 2.1) 10..* /17/20152
S3: accessing s3, working with S3: command line as given in the blue book or through aws console You can create directories: your own namespace You can transfer with a click of a button data in and out of S3 (lets check it out) You can simply continue to shove data into Amazon S3 without having to worry about ever running out of space! Short-term and long-term backup facility. Access to S3 is via web services and not via file system: so relatively slow. See demo 4/17/20153
You want to create an “instance” of a server from an already established “AMI: Amazon Machine Image” It has a elastic IP for the whole world to interact with it. How to control access to this? While creating the instance, create a new security group that will specify the policy or “rules” about the access methods Security group is somewhat similar to network segment protected by a firewall Once the server is started you cannot change the security group: so plan ahead See Demo 4/17/20154
Availability zones are analogous to a physical data center. Amazon keeps adding availability zones: US East (Virginia), US East (N. California), EU West (Ireland), Asia (Singapore) Am important feature is that zones have different characteristics that no two zones will be down at any time. You can spread your data between two zones or replicate it in 2 or more zones for survivability. Traffic (bandwidth) between zones cost money. You may want to launch in the same zone if bandwidth is your concern; but if redundancy is your quest, you may need different zones 4/17/20155
Access to an instance is (for ssh) is through a key pair. Another enabling technology is PKI You generate a private-public key pair, store the private key in your local hard drive, the public key is passed to the instance when it is launched. EC2 instance is configures such that root account is accessible to any user with the private key. 4/17/20156
By default when you launch a new instance amazon dynamically assign a private and a public IP. While this is fine for development purposed, for a real launch of a web accessible service, we need static IP. Amazon makes available what are classes elastic IPs for this purpose. Up to 5 elastic IPs can be assigned to an instance. Elastic IPs cost money even if you don’t use them; assigning and reassigning strains the system; so it cost money Allocate elastic ip and associate it with an instance. 4/17/20157
Snapshot is for saving a volume (of storage) is a feature of Amazon’s elastic block storage. You can take a snapshot as often as needed. EC2 automatically saves the snapshots to S3, thus enabling a quick and powerful backup scheme. You can replay it by creating a volume from snapshot. See demo. 4/17/20158
You can use already existing AMI to bootstrap your system AMI contains root file system for your image. You will have clean up all your files and store them in S3 or snap shot them so that they can be replayed. Stop the sql server Name it and create it with a description. 4/17/20159
1. Data-intensive Data structures: HDFS. 2. Data-intensive Algorithms: MapReduce. use it in a scenario given below. 3. Cloud architectures: AWS: EC2, S3, + Google App engine, AWS (Chapter 1,2 in bluebook) 4. Enabling Technologies: infrastructure realization: Virtualization, infrastructure management 5. Project 1 and Lucene: 4/17/201510