Foro de Salud Pública para las Américas Retos sobre Bioética y Salud Pública Carlos Castillo-Salgado, Foro Regional de Salud Pública OPS-OMS, Washington, DC XI World Congress on Public Health – VIII Brazilian Congress on Collective Health Riocentro Convention Center Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22 August 2006 XI World Congress on Public Health – VIII Brazilian Congress on Collective Health Riocentro Convention Center Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22 August 2006
FORO REGIONAL DE SALUD PUBLICA PARA LAS AMERICAS/OPS Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado PAHOs Regional Forum Team Members Luis Galvao, SDE Manuel Peña, PWR Representative, Peru Charles Godue, SHD/HRR Hugo Prado, GPP/RP José Antonio Escamilla, PWR Brazil Rafael Mazin, FCH/AI Marcelo D'Agostino, IKM Rosalba Ruiz, FO-USMB Cristina Puentes Markides, SHD Luís Gerardo Castellanos, PWR/México Carlos Castillo-Salgado, DD/RF. Team Leader Luis Galvao, SDE Manuel Peña, PWR Representative, Peru Charles Godue, SHD/HRR Hugo Prado, GPP/RP José Antonio Escamilla, PWR Brazil Rafael Mazin, FCH/AI Marcelo D'Agostino, IKM Rosalba Ruiz, FO-USMB Cristina Puentes Markides, SHD Luís Gerardo Castellanos, PWR/México Carlos Castillo-Salgado, DD/RF. Team Leader
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Challenges of XXI Century Globalization Biodefense and bioterrorism Epidemiological Polarization Environmental changes and natural disasters Information revolution and divide Social Inequities Globalization Biodefense and bioterrorism Epidemiological Polarization Environmental changes and natural disasters Information revolution and divide Social Inequities
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Commitments Establish a Forum to complement PAHO's traditional governance and policy-making bodies and activities Selecting two or three annual topics as a focus for the PAHO Forum Permanent public health Forum Individual Forum events Multiple perspectives, insight and creative solutions
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Concept of the PAHOs Regional Forum The Forum is proposed as a coordinating mechanism for academia, civil society, NGOs, intergovernmental agencies and the private sector to discuss, debate, and contribute to close the knowledge-for-action gap on selected important public health topics. Opportunity for dialogue and out of the box thinking without the constraints of traditional governance procedures. Opportunity for the diverse parties who have expertise in a specific public health areas to share their knowledge with the Organization and to learn from each other. The Forum is proposed as a coordinating mechanism for academia, civil society, NGOs, intergovernmental agencies and the private sector to discuss, debate, and contribute to close the knowledge-for-action gap on selected important public health topics. Opportunity for dialogue and out of the box thinking without the constraints of traditional governance procedures. Opportunity for the diverse parties who have expertise in a specific public health areas to share their knowledge with the Organization and to learn from each other.
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Concept of Regional Forum The Regional Forum is not just a conference. It is a network of interested and expert professionals and leaders throughout the Americas whom will convene at various intervals to discuss relevant issues. Supporting the redirection of the public health work in the Americas The Regional Forum is not just a conference. It is a network of interested and expert professionals and leaders throughout the Americas whom will convene at various intervals to discuss relevant issues. Supporting the redirection of the public health work in the Americas
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. 3 Key components Incorporation of the social determinants of health Review and propose relevant health information and new health metrics Translating evidence into practice and use of health impact assessment Incorporation of the social determinants of health Review and propose relevant health information and new health metrics Translating evidence into practice and use of health impact assessment
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Public Health Ethics PHE has been defined as the analysis and application of principles and values to public health professional practice. Ethical analysis clarifies moral issues in complex situations by identifying and balancing ethical principles involved in specific situations.. Coughlin, SS et al PHE has been defined as the analysis and application of principles and values to public health professional practice. Ethical analysis clarifies moral issues in complex situations by identifying and balancing ethical principles involved in specific situations.. Coughlin, SS et al. 1997
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Ethical perspectives for public health The bioethics challenge of equity: its significance in public health Global trade, health and ethics of social determinants of health The ethics of public health decision making Mainstreaming social justice: human rights, forced migration Biotechnology, Biodefense, cloning, genetic testing and screening in public heath The ethics and the conduct of public health surveillance Rising the profile of Public health ethics in the Americas: time for debate The bioethics challenge of equity: its significance in public health Global trade, health and ethics of social determinants of health The ethics of public health decision making Mainstreaming social justice: human rights, forced migration Biotechnology, Biodefense, cloning, genetic testing and screening in public heath The ethics and the conduct of public health surveillance Rising the profile of Public health ethics in the Americas: time for debate
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado. PAHO Forum for Public Health in the Americas. Thanks for your participation How to contact PAHOs Regional Forum: Forum for Public Health in the Americas Pan American Health Organization rd. St., NW Washington, DC Tel (202) Forum for Public Health in the Americas Pan American Health Organization rd. St., NW Washington, DC Tel (202)