CIVIL FAMILY Civil Engineering, the youngest of all the six branches of engineering in Sahrdaya, is still in its infancy. We have a total of 124 students in two batches with five faculty members and four lab staff. In addition to that we have one guest faculty. 61 students (S3) + 63 students (1&2)
Our Team Prof. V A Sudhakaran (HOD, CE) Ms. Agnes Anto C Mr. Vishnu Manohar Ms Reshma Antony Ms. Shini Shanmughan Ms. Sweeshma (Guest faculty)
Existing Lab Facilities Civil Workshop Survey Lab Material Testing Lab Concrete Lab
Lab Facilities….
Lab Facilities…
Departmental Activities Shifted to Decennial Block on July 27 th 'PACE ' (Progressive Association of Civil Engineering) was inaugurated on August 12 th Inaugurated by Prof. M S Mathews from Alpha Engineering College
Eminent Personalities who visited the Department... Dr. Rafeeq from GEC Trichur Prof. Gopalakrishnan gave lecture on Geology Mr. Sunil J (specialised in Structural Engineering) gave one hour lecture on Theory of Columns
Staff Achievements.... Ms. Reshma Antony secured 1 st rank for M Tech in Water Resources and Hydroinformatics from University of Calicut
Student Achievements PACE won prizes for various departmental level competitions conducted within the campus Google Doodle competition conducted by CS Dept. (ACES) World Nature Day World Nature Day competition conducted by BT Dept. (BEATS) Able Chacko in S3 CE won the essay writing competition on Disaster Management conducted by EC Dept.(EMAGE)
World Habitat Day Celebrations PACE conducted a 3D collash competition ( department level competition ) in college and gave away the prizes for the winners
STUDY TOUR S3 Students went for 3 day study tour to Munnar, Idukki and Kottayam (Travancore Cements) The tour was well and good and the students enjoyed very much.
S3 Tour…
Subject allocation..... Faculty to handle the various subjects and labs are identified. The time-table will be prepared by the committee appointed for the same.
Extra Staff and Equipment requirement Subjects were allocated for each faculties in the department for 4 th semester. Some more faculties are required for the department (especially those are specialised in Structural engineering subjects Surveying.II. lab, practical work using Total Station is compulsory. Minimum of two Total Stations are to be purchased and one lab staff should be given special training in survey work using Total station. Other theory classes and labs can be handled by the available staff and equipments.
Term Paper System The entire portions in the syllabus will be divided into topics equal to the number of students in a class. Every student will prepare a detailed write up and PPt. Presentation. If possible, he or she should present it in the class just before the teacher take that portion. The teacher will help the student to prepare the notes and presentation. All the notes, taken together, will make one complete set of notes for the subject that could be distributed to all the students. Every student should refer text books, reference books and internet to prepare the notes. The students of the study circle can help each other in note preparation.
Field Visits Planning to arrange field visits. This will help the student to get site exposure and field knowledge.
Students will be encouraged to participate in seminars and other programmes conducted by other colleges, institutions and organizations. Attempts will be made to organize one national seminar during the next year. Training will be given to the students in technical paper writing and seminar presentations. Tech Fest to be conducted in the coming semester.
Meetings will be arranged, at least once in a month. Students from the department and professionals from the field will be presenting papers alternately. Improve the managerial capabilities and leadership qualities of the students in addition to improving their technical knowledge. Also, they will be getting more chances to interact with experts in the profession.
Interested students will be given training in entrepreneurship ventures. Successful entrepreneurs will be invited to share their experiences with the students.
Faculty members will be encouraged to take up research and consultancy works in their areas of specialization. Students also will be involved in these activities in order give them more confidence to take up such works in their professional life. Start Consultancy Works (testing facilities can be arranged especially for water quality test, cement test, concrete test, mix design & reinforcement test)
We will try our level best to make the students busy with activities. They will be motivated to do things willingly. Our sincere efforts will be to mould the Civil Engineering students of Sahrdaya as employable engineers who can compete in international job markets.