Nokia Dominik Röck, Sonja Wihan
This is a presentation about Nokia guidelines Dominik Röck, k0rodo00 Sonja Wihan, k0wiso00
Describe the style guide This document gives an overview of the Nokia Symbian^3 (S^3) user interface and describes its essential parts, giving examples of how to use the interface elements. The document can be used as an introduction to the style or as reference material. It provides background material to help user interface designers make decisions about their products
Model of navigation is based on states Arranged as hierarchical trees New features, new flexibility: Tabs S^3 key and menu Direct navigation between sibling folders Links to applications and documents Navigation using links One-way shortcuts (no direct path back)
Navigating in applications Traditional hierarchical tree structure Moving forward from one state By opening an available item By selecting an option from a menu Back returns to previous level Exit function -> closing the application
Navigation using tabs UI allows combining several pages to a single state Switching by tapping in the Navipage by pressing the arrow key left / right
Hierarchical application structures UI offers direct access to a sibling folder Shortcut Arrow left and right accomplish this
No exact font / color defined in the style guide (maybe because it’s theme related) But: It tells when you should use e.g. primary / secondary font Primary font E.g. Used for informing of an empty list Secondary font E.g. Used for providing further information Single color E.g. Used for item status graphics
EXAMPLE: Item property graphic –color Heading –secondary font Main text - primary font Item status graphics - single color
List item types (examples) - Single-line item with a graphic - Single-line item with a large graphic - Two-line item with a number - Two-line item with a large graphic
The following toolbar button types can be used: - Command button offering direct action (functions/view access) like Send or New contact - Mode toggle button can be used for switching between several modes as in Flash - On/Off button can be used for active/inactive type of functions such as Loudspeaker or Font italics Toolbar button states: example of On/Off type of button
Notes (feedback components) - confirmation note - information note - error note - wait and progress notes - soft notification
The recommended grid layout is 3x4 (nHD portrait) and 6x2 (nHD landscape), 12 icons in all
When moving with the navigation keys in a list or a grid, one item in it is always in focus (highlighting)
Help application (containing information about the system, the functions it offers, and advice on getting the most out of it) arranged in a hierarchical fashion so that they can be navigated in the usual way can be obtained by selecting the Help item from the Options menu within applications Wizards
The S^3 UI can rotate between the portrait and landscape layout.