S2 Personalisation and Choice Information Evening Thursday 5 March 2015
Outline of Evening Overview of the Broad General Education: - Mrs Mohamed Personalisation Process- Ms Gordon Skills development and S3 Profile- Mrs Williamson and Mr Gibson Staff available at the end of the evening for individual questions
Context- Full implementation of CfE New National qualifications introduced 2013/14 New Higher introduced this session New Advanced Higher will be introduced next session Hmie Inspection November 2014
The curriculum is designed to provide a broad general education for all young people from S1-S3 and a range of flexible progression routes into the senior phase to meet the needs of all young people. High priority is given to providing enjoyable and challenging learning in a range of relevant and motivating contexts which develop the skills for the 21st century identified by the school and which provide a unifying focus for a coherent experience across learning. Education Scotland- September 2014
“There is a need to ensure breadth for all young people and that their options are being kept open for S4”- Record of Inspection Findings, February 2015 Feedback from staff that the current S3 curriculum model does not offer the depth of learning required for National courses
S and beyond Maintain as much breadth and depth in the S1-S3 curriculum as possible Offer pupils the opportunity to specialise within certain curricular areas Maximise the progression pathways into the Senior Phase
Curriculum Areas in the Broad General Education: Languages Mathematics Health and Wellbeing Religious and Moral Education Sciences Social Studies Technologies Expressive Arts
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Sample Curricular Pathways: Technologies: Design and Technology Design and Manufacture Graphic Communication Engineering Science
Sciences Biology Chemistry Physics
Support for S2 Health and Wellbeing day Subject teachers Guidance teachers Careers section of the library
S2 Choice Form ABCDEFGHIJ Mathematics Languages: Literacy and English Sciences Religious and Moral Education Health and Wellbeing Social Studies Technologies Languages: Modern Languages Expressive Arts Elective MathematicsEnglishScienceRMPSPSEPE Geography History Modern Studies Design & Technology Business Management Computing Science Hospitality French German Mandarin for Beginners Art Drama Music Sports Studies Creativity in Action IT Applications for Industry
Important Dates DateProcessActions Issue Personalisation and Choice information along with instructions for survey monkey Guidance to explain the process S2 Parents information evening SMT to give presentations S2 Parents Evening Talk through pupil progress with teachers Survey Monkey goes live Pupils to enter choices at home S2 Survey Monkey closes All choices should be entered by this date
S3 Profile By the end of s3 all pupils will have produced their own profile. It is a way of capturing what a young person has been involved in from s1-s3 Profile asks pupils to reflect on what they have done across the curriculum Snapshot of a young person`s best achievements at a given time Should emphasise a pupil`s strengths It also asks them to look forward to s4-s6 and put down what they might want to do in the future and who might help them
Skills Development Contribute to life of the school throughout S3 Clubs /Activities in school – sports, music, pupil focus groups, school council, organise Charity events ( eg Can-Can) Duke of Edinburgh Award, Junior Sports Leader Out of school activities – sports, dance, drama, cadets, volunteering It’s no longer just enough to have the desired qualifications anymore- you need to be able to evidence and show a range of personal skills, attributes and commitments.
Curriculum for Excellence Skills for Learning Skills for Life Skills for Work
Resilient (adjective): 1.(of a substance or object). Able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching or being compressed. 2. (of a person or animal) Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Characteristics of a resilient person Enthusiasm for life and work Capacity to see the future and “go for it” Capacity to cope with difficult situations Attitude towards life and work that is positive, full of energy and determination Capacity to see the options, and to adapt effectively to meet and overcome the challenges Mowbray 2012
Never Give Up “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or walk around it.” Michael Jordan