Enhancing the Competitiveness of Croatian Economy through Smart Specialisation “2nd Training Workshop on Smart Specialisation for South East European countries” Skopje, November 20 - 21
EU 2020 Europe 2020 is the EU's growth strategy for the coming decade EU wants to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. These three mutually reinforcing priorities should help the EU and the Member States deliver high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion EU has set five ambitious objectives - on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy - to be reached by 2020. Each Member State has adopted its own national targets in each of these areas Concrete actions at EU and national levels underpin the strategy
Croatia/Europe 2020 headline targets
S3 - Context Key objective for EU-economy is increasing competitiveness through “smart, inclusive and sustainable growth” (Europe 2020 strategy, 2010) Key objective is broken down in 11 thematic objectives, to be achieved through sectoral and regional policy interventions EU-Cohesion Policy, Horizon 2020, and funding for programming period 2014-2020 will be closely related to Europe 2020 strategy Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is ex-ante conditionality for investments from ERDF in research and innovation (R&I) and access/quality of ICT-infrastructure in each EU-Member State
Smart Specialisation in Croatia Will focus on those niches and S&T-areas where Croatia has prospects for smart, inclusive and sustainable growth, building on the country’s strengths, comparative advantages and potential for excellence Will concentrate policy support and investments on key national priorities, challenges and needs for knowledge-based development, including ICT-related measures Is based on a broader concept of innovation, not only investment in research or the manufacturing sector, but also building competitiveness through design and creative industries, social and service innovation, new business models and practice-based innovation Should make bridge between sectoral analyses/strategies and development of OP-priorities 2014-2020, with a longer term perspective
COMPETITIVE CROATIA STRATEGY FOR BOOSTING COMPETITIVENESS How can we effect competitiveness? CHOICES AND CRITICAL MASS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Priorities carefully selected based on territorial capital and smart specialization Match R&D and innovation capacities with priority sector needs 4C COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP CLUSTERS AND CONNECTIVITY Effective innovation system based on public and private partnerships Cluster development and connecting business, science and government
Identified sectors of importance to Croatia Sectors with high added value (pharmaceuticals and medical equipment production, chemical industry, automobile industry, defense industry, electrical and mechanical machines and equipment production, ICT, creative industry, construction industry) Traditional sectors with territorial capital (food-processing industry, wood processing industry, the maritime industry, textile industry) Horizontal sectors: biotechnology, nanotechnology, micro-and nano-electronics and photonics, advanced materials and technologies
Competitiveness Clusters Cluster Policy in Croatia BUSINESS CLUSTERS COMPETITIVE CLUSTERS Croatian cluster Improving competitiveness of Enterprises Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Improving competitiveness of Croatian Economy Ministry of Economy
Croatian Competitiveness Cluster Public Sector Sector specific non-profit organization which brings together the business, scientific and policy making communities in a formal structure. Stakeholders in combination, represent the ‘Triple Helix’ concept. The intention is to gather the best players in their field – small, medium and large companies, business clusters, public and science and research institutions in order to develop synergies and cooperative efforts. The final outcome of this synergy will be increased national Sector competitiveness. Business Sector R&D and Science Institutions
The EU membership and the Republic of Croatia In the period from 1 July to 31 December 2013, 687.5 million euros is allocated from the EU budget, mostly from the structural instruments of the Cohesion policy (449.4 million euros) For the same period the Republic of Croatia has to pay 267.7 million euros, which makes Croatia net recipient country (potential) In the period from 2014. - 2020. cca 7.5 billion euros will be available to the Republic of Croatia
Main challenges Low labour market participation, inefficient education system and a difficult social situation Under-developed knowledge based growth factors and insufficient infrastructure Protecting the environment and natural resources and adapting to climate change Inefficient public governance at central/local level and weak involvement of partners
Thematic objectives strengthening research, technological development and innovation enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies (ICT) 3. enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, the agricultural sector and the fisheries and aquaculture sector 4. supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors 5. promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management 6. protecting the environment and promoting cultural and natural assets 7. promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8. promoting employment and supporting labour mobility 9. promoting social inclusion and combating poverty 10. investing in education, skills and lifelong learning 11. enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration
Funding priority: Strenghtening the competitiveness of the economy Strenghtening Croatia´s innovation profile through smart specialisation Supporting the modernisation and competitiveness of enterprises The extension and upgrading of the transport and ICT infrastructure
Positioning of S3 in Croatian context
Approach in S3-design
Bodies involved in S3-design and their composition MANAGEMENT AND DRAFTING TEAM Ministry of Economy S3 Expert team INTER-MINISTERIAL WORKING GROUP MoE, MRDFEU, MSES, MEC, MLPS, MINT, MoA, MC, MFAEU, MMATI, HAMAG INVEST, AIC, ARD, BICRO, Central Bureau of Statistics, HUP, National Science Foundation PARTNERSHIP CONSULTATION GROUP CoE, CoC, HBOR, Universities, local self governments, counties&county development agencies, IMO, EIZ, IRB, Competitiveness Clusters, FINA INTER-MINISTERIAL STEERING GROUP line ministries Office of Prime Minister
Steps in S3-design (*) Analysis of national/regional context and potential for innovation and competitiveness Governance: ensuring participation and ownership Elaboration of overall vision for the future Identification of priorities Definition of coherent policy mix, roadmaps and action plan Integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms (*) EC, Guide to Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisations (RIS3), 2012
S3 - prioritisation process
Criteria competitiveness and innovation scan Top down approach Croatia’s performance in global perspective Contribution to GVA and employment per economic sector, 2012 and recent development Productivity in industry per economic sector Profitability in industry per economic sector Export performance in industry per economic sector Educational profile in industry per economic sector Foreign Direct Investment in industry per economic sector Growth perspectives per economic sector (EU, globally) Bottom up approach (Entrepreneurial signalling mechanisms) Penetration of Key Enabling Technologies per economic sector/clusters Level and type of innovation (process, product, service, organisational, marketing) per economic sector/cluster Position and upgrading possibilities in value chain Named company use of R&D tax credits Granted patents to EU/ USA and Japan attributed to HR inventors and HR enterprises EU and national funding secured by individual companies Technology needs per economic sector/cluster
Criteria science&technology scan Top down approach EU Member States comparative strengths R&D investment by economic sector Patent applications/grants and citations by technology field Publications and citations by scientific field Funding secured by priority area (FP7) Bottom up approach (Entrepreneurial signalling mechanisms) Named company use of R&D tax credits Publication quality and impact attributed to individual research groups Granted patents to EU/ USA and Japan attributed to HR inventors and HR enterprises EU and national funding secured by individual research groups (FP7 RegPot, Proof of Concepts) Technology mapping of individual research groups (expert opinion)
Follow-up Steps Inter-ministerial WG Meeting PSC Meeting First results from analyses (competitiveness, R&D/S&T) Identification of priorities for S3 Challenges, vision and strategic objectives First ideas on policy mix and governance
www.mingo.hr Thank you marijana.bolaricskare@mingo.hr Directorate for Industry, Investments and EU Programmes and Projects Ministry of Economy Republic of Croatia