How is food quality affected by fertilization?
Functional food examples From PPI
Phytochemicals Science 285:377, 1999
Potassium increases total carotenoid content and quality of tomatoes Trudel and Ozbun J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 96(6)
K influences lycopene and -carotene content of tomatoes Trudel and Ozbun J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 96(6)
Effect of KNO 3 on grapefruit carotenoids B. Patil, 2001 (one year data) Texas Rio Grande Valley Treatments: F= fertigation, S= foliar F1-Jan-Mar, F2-Feb-April, F3-April-June S1-April-June, S2-May-July, S3- July-Sept From PPI
F.B.T. Hernandez, J.C. ModestoI, M.A. SuzukiI, L.S. CorrêaI, K. Reichardt Piracicaba, Braz. vol.51 no.2 Pircicaba May/Aug Effects of irrigation and nitrogen levels on qualitative and nutritional aspects of fig-trees (Ficus carica L.)11 Increased yields may lead to nutrient dilution (plant growth is increased more than nutrient uptake)