Efficient, Productive, Time-Saving Solutions TRANSACTION AUDITING Part of our RISK MANAGEMENT SUITE FOR LAWSON S3 Thank you for taking the time to view our presentation. I’ll be your guide on how our Transaction Auditing application can help your organization.
Agenda Kinsey Background Products Overview Transaction Auditing Demo RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 Let me start by defining transaction auditing. The purpose of this application is to enable you to identify any changes made to Lawson including who made the change.
o Founded i983, Kinsey has provided software sales, implementations, support and development for 30 years. o Lawson reseller and implementation partner since o Lawson certified systems integrator partner. o Lawson complementary software partner. o Lawson’s “Go to” reseller/implementer for public services. o Focusing on the development of Lawson complementary software products. BACKGROUND A little about us. RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3
LAUA Security Auditing Activity Monitor Transaction Auditing LAUA Segregation of Duties (SoD) LS9 Segregation of Duties (SoD) LS9 Auditing LAUA Security Reporting LS9 Reporting RISK MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 Transaction auditing is just one of our risk management solutions.
RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 TRANSACTION AUDITING CAPABILITIES o Audits all additions, changes, deletions or inquiries to a Lawson transaction. o Audits all Lawson S3 Screens. o Audits transactions from all user interfaces including Lawson Smart Office, Portal and MS Add-in’s. o Capable of auditing any updates made through AGS or DME calls. Here is a brief list of some of the capabilities.
TRANSACTION AUDITING - SETUP Audit Definitions o Product Line o User Name o Screen Name o Function Code o IP Address o Time Range o Retention Policies Defining audits is easy. Simply enter any combination of these options. RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3
TRANSACTION AUDITING - REPORTING Audit Data o Product Line o User ID associated with the transaction o Origination System IP address o Product Line o Screen name o Function Code o Reason Code o Transaction Date o Transaction Keys o Field Names o Field Values (Before & After) RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 This is the data we capture for any screen or user you choose to audit..
TRANSACTION AUDITING RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 Our reports show the before and after value of any change made in Lawson.
TRANSACTION AUDITING RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 At any time you can save and your report automatically on schedules you define.
TRANSACTION AUDITING - REPORTING FILTERS RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 Using the advanced search option you can filter your audit data any way you need.
TRANSACTION AUDITING - REPORTING EXPORTS RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 Once you create a report you like you can export it to Excel or create a PDF.
Guy Henson V.P. of Business Development Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc 26. N Park Boulevard Glen Ellyn, Illinois RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR LAWSON S3 If you need more information or would like a private presentation just let us know!