Data analysis BTF 23 e 24 mag 05 T1 T2 500MeV electrons Repetition Rate 50 Hz Pulse Duration 1-10 ns Current/pulse 1 to 8 particles σ XY ~2mm Max Electronic.


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Presentation transcript:

Data analysis BTF 23 e 24 mag 05 T1 T2 500MeV electrons Repetition Rate 50 Hz Pulse Duration 1-10 ns Current/pulse 1 to 8 particles σ XY ~2mm Max Electronic Rate: 1KHz Beam S1 S2 T1 T2 Calo CAMAC acquisition system

File _2200, 35000events Voltages –S1: 880mV –T1: 66.5 V –T2: 64.9 V –S2: 900mV

calorimeter ADC readings Countings

1e- contribution ADC readings

2e- contribution ADC readings

3e- contribution ADC readings

Linearity Voltages –S1: 880mV –T1: 66.5 V –T2: 64.9 V –S2: 900mV

File _1830, 17000events Voltages –S1: 880mV –T1: 66.9V –T2: 65.3V –S2: 900 mV

calorimeter ADC channels Countings

1e- contribution Calo S1 T1 T2 S2 ADC readings

2e- contribution Calo S1 T1 T2 S2 ADC readings

3e- contribution Calo S1 T1 T2 S2 ADC readings

Linearity Voltages –S1: 880mV –T1: 66.9V –T2: 65.3V –S2: 900 mV

File _0831, 80000events Voltages –S1: 890mV –T1: 67.1V –T2: 65.5 V –S2: 900mV

calorimeter ADC channels Countings

1e- contribution ADC readings

2e- contribution ADC readings

3e- contribution ADC readings

Linearity Voltages –S1: 890mV –T1: 67.1V –T2: 65.5 V –S2: 900mV

T1&T2 vs power voltages Behavior of the tiles in function of the tension for three different particle multiplicity