Childcare: The Italian context Different kind of provisions, both Public and Private Some innovative provisions in the last years (Integrated nursery, family nursery, childcare centre, atelier, centre for children and parents, rooms for children, house nursery) Training and qualification pathways for professionals in care and childcare provision, recognised and certified by the Regional Governments Strong differences in provision geographical distribution between North, Centre and South of Italy One datum is for all: about the 85% out of the total childcare provision in Italy is provided by and for the North – Centre Italy. Less services both public and private in the South of Italy that correspond to the general gap between the North – Centre and the South in the employment rate, women employment and economic development.
The context of the project Region Campania areas sensitive to host innovation and changes within traditional provision Good quality of the provisions although the supply is not sufficient to all the users Strong involvement of the Public Institution into childcare policies and system Affordable private provisions Working parents and, above all, working women Strong demand for after school provisions and services aimed at balancing work and family work by men and women DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
North Naples: ’ deprived neighbourhood and suburbs high rate of unemployment among young people and women above all (27% of young people under 30ies) and long term unemployed people (over 30ies) who live with public subsidies and do black jobs, often flowing into crime; early school leaving and young people under eighteen living in risk; marginalisation and lack of cultural and social identity; relevant number of social and care users, the biggest concentration in the city of Naples (infants and children, disables, a great number of elderly people living in families or left alone, drug addicts); ethnic communities, especially ROMA population, who live a ghetto into the ghetto; difficulties by Public Institutions to answer people’s needs; Fear and non confidence by entrepreneurs in the area; DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
The aim of the project, within the framework of Childcare and Care provision, is: Improving the quality of the services already existing Developing new services Promoting job profiles and their insertion in the job market Creating new social entrepreneurship in the sector DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
The actions carried out are the following: 1.Establishing permanent network among both Public and Private actors (Institutions, NGOs, Volunteering Organisations, etc…) 2.Providing vocational training for unemployed men and women in care and childcare sector 3.Providing significant work experiences in the sector thus creating a system of “protected ”job insertion 4.Ideating and implementing new provisions within traditional ones 5.Capitalising the experience thanks to the creation and start up of an innovative Social Enterprise DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
1.Establishing permanent network among both Public and Private actors (Institutions, NGOs, Volunteering Organisations, etc…) through: Awareness raising campaigns and actions Formal agreements (protocol of intents, co-operation agreements, etc..) Active participation of stakeholders within partnership agreements DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
2. Providing vocational training for unemployed men and women in care and childcare sector Nr. beneficiaries trained: 150 Nr. hrs. per pathway: 900 Qualification achieved as: 1.Social and sanitary carer 2.Child carer Certification released by Region Campania and Italian Ministry of Education DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
3. Providing significant work experiences in the sector thus creating a system of “protected ”job insertion Stage (training on the job) activities within traditional Public and Private Care Organisations providing services for different users of Care and Childcare provision. DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Typologies of Childcare and Care Organisations hosting training on the job activities: 1.Public and Private Organisations for infants care and childcare offering different provision both in schools hrs and after school hrs. (children from 3 months up to10 years old) 2.Rest houses, daily care centres and other structures for elderly people 3.Centres for children with special needs 4.Family houses for children and young people in risk DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
4. Ideating and implementing new provisions within traditional ones: CREATIVE LABORATORIES OF CARE AND CHILDCARE Creative laboratories consist in leading special educational and pedagogical projects implemented within traditional childcare and care provisions, making use of different tools and instruments and performing innovative activities aiming at developing care and support programs, socialization, skills, dialogue, personality building up and family mediation. DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
5. Capitalising the experience so far Job insertion of project beneficiaries: The competences acquired so far and the co-operation with the Care and Childcare Organisations have brought to a new job demand where beneficiaries themselves are able to answer, thus promoting their job insertion directly in them. RES INTERNATIONAL, at this regard, is working as a job centre in Care and Childcare sector, meeting the different needs and providing job opportunities to beneficiaries interested in them DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
5. Capitalising the experience so far Incubation of a new kind of Social Enterprise, as a branch of RES INTERNATIONAL: REStiAmo INSIEME (Let’s stay together) A MULTI SERVICE CENTRE FOR MEETING CARE AND CHILDCARE NEEDS DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
REStiAmo INSIEME (Let’s stay together) A MULTI SERVICE CENTRE FOR MEETING CARE AND CHILDCARE NEEDS Indoor provisions: Innovative childcare for children (from 6 up to 10 years old) and for children and young people in risk (from 11 up to 17 years old), resident in the area Parental support and counselling for men and women with children living disadvantaged conditions in the area Innovative Care provision for elderly people DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
REStiAmo INSIEME (Let’s stay together) A MULTI SERVICE CENTRE FOR MEETING CARE AND CHILDCARE NEEDS Outdoor provisions: Childcare services (from 12 months up to 10 years old) in schools and in other public and private Organisations for infants/ children in Region Campania; Creative laboratories for children in risk at Family houses, both public and private, in disadvantaged areas of the city of Naples; Creative laboratories for elderly people in rest houses both Public and Private; Home care and childcare provision DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
REStiAmo INSIEME (Let’s stay together) A MULTI SERVICE CENTRE FOR MEETING CARE AND CHILDCARE NEEDS Indoor: Innovative Care provision for elderly people: Line of services: Physical and psychological assistance; Implementation of social, cultural and manual activities for recovering elderly people’s residual skills: reading, theatre, gym, handicraft, music, cooking, discussion; Teaching: updating competences and knowledge and acquiring new skills (for instance; computer science and foreign language); Information on legislation and bureaucracy (sanity systems, pensions, etc…) DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Indoor: Innovative childcare for children (from 6 up to 10 years old) and for children and young people in risk (from 11 up to 17 years old), resident in the area Line of services: Educational and psychological assistance Implementation of social, cultural and manual activities for improving children and young people’s relational and social competencies: theatre, sport, handicraft, music, audiovisual entertainment; Educational support for avoiding early school leaving; Conflict mediation (social and familiar mediation, education at legality to avoid their flowing into crime) Guidance to the seeking of a job or of a professional training opportunity (for young people older than 16 years old, having achieved compulsory school diploma); DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Indoor: Parental support and counselling for men and women with children living disadvantaged conditions in the area: Line of services: Conflict and familiar mediation (contrasts among parents, gender discrimination); Information on childcare opportunities and access; Education at parental values; Implementation of social, cultural and manual activities with their children for promoting dialogue and early warning on the possible conflicts; Guidance to the seeking of a job or of a professional training opportunity for unemployed parents and mothers, above all. DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Outdoor: Childcare services (from 12 months up to 10 years old) in schools and in other public and private Organisations for infants/ children in Region Campania; The provision is managed by groups of beneficiaries into several nurseries, kindergarten, public infant schools and elementary schools, play centres in all the area of Region Campania and especially in Naples’ area. The services are very customised to the different needs of the users and of the Organisations; DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Outdoor: Creative laboratories for children in risk at Family houses, both public and private, in disadvantaged areas of the city of Naples: The provision is managed by groups of beneficiaries into several family houses in north Naples and in co-operation with Tribunals, Public Schools and public social assistants and psychologists, being member of RES INTERNATIONAL network The services are very customised to the different needs of the users and of the Organisations; DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Outdoor: Creative laboratories for elderly people in rest houses both Public and Private; The provision is managed, at the moment, by groups of beneficiaries into four public and private Care Organisations for elderly people in Region Campania. The services are very customised to the different needs of the users and of the Organisations; DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
Outdoor: Home care and childcare services: This line of service is object of a greatest interest in the area and will be considered as a future line of development of the Social Enterprise. The business plan have shown that private users are available to pay for this services and a study about a possible system of fares coherent with the different users’ financial possibility it is under examination right now. DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
BUSINESS IS BUSINESS: 1.Until the end of 2007, the entrepreneurial system described is subsided under EQUAL funds DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
BUSINESS IS BUSINESS: 2. The sustainability of the business is firstly a RES INTERNATIONAL investment, also with the search of possible future ways of fund raising within public funds and private investments. DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
BUSINESS IS BUSINESS: 3. The economic and juridical dimension of the Social Enterprise in incubation is at middle way between Public and Private DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142
THANK YOU N.B.: For any further information, it will be a pleasure for our DP staff to answer your questions. Contact us at the following numbers: –Tel: –Fax: – DP L’ALTRA META’ DEL CIELO (The other half of the heaven) Cod: IT-S2-MDL-142