In Millburn Academy we aim to… ‘develop skilful, resourceful, resilient, flexible and independent learners who are well prepared to contribute to 21 st century society’ facilitate and support the rounded development of all our young people – academically, emotionally, spiritually and physically – as they work towards their personal goals offer a wide variety of opportunities for learning and development to young people in Millburn Academy and in the wider community improve the attainment and achievement of all pupils at all levels, particularly in the senior school as a key on going priority enable our S3 and senior (S4-6) pupils to identify clear progression pathways. S3 choices begin to pave the way for the Senior Phase.
S1-3 Broad General Education Highland schools must build all S3 courses based on Experiences (tasks and activities) and Outcomes (what pupils know or can do) and ensure each learner’s entitlement to a Broad General Education until the end of S3 is met. For most learners, courses will be at third and fourth Levels. For some pupils more challenging learning experiences will be provided by learning in National 5 level tasks. For others, S3 work will reinforce knowledge and skills at Level 1 or Level 2. S4-6 Senior Phase It is expected that all Highland secondary schools will offer 6 courses in S4 and 5 or 6 courses in S5/6 by session 2015/2016. At Millburn we continue to offer 6 courses in S4 and 5 courses in S5/6.
33 period week – 32 teaching periods and 1 period for Information Sharing spread across three mornings. In S1 and S2 – all subjects, all curriculum areas. S3 - Pupils study 8 subjects + PD/PE/RME – these are normally from each of the curriculum areas. S4 - Pupils study 6 subjects + PD/PE/RME S5 - Pupils study up to 5 subjects + PD/PE/PS S6 - Pupils study up to 5 subjects + Core extraction
S2 into S3 Key Points S3 is a continuation of the Broad General Education phase, allowing for a degree of personalisation and choice. It is recommended that most pupils will continue to study from all curricular areas. Individual variations from this should be discussed with Guidance Teacher/SLT and should be based on clearly defined personal goals. During S3 it is important that pupils progress as far as possible in their chosen subjects, with a view to further study in S4 or later in the Senior Phase. As well as having choice between subjects, pupils will also have the opportunity to make choices within subjects. S3 pupils are encouraged to maintain a wide range of interests beyond the classroom, as these will help pupils to reach their personal goals.
Important next steps… Take time to think about your personal goals and what you would like to achieve this year and beyond. Reflect on the subjects where you feel engaged, where you feel your abilities have developed, where you are motivated to study and which create the pathways you plan to follow. Take the time to discuss this with your parent(s)/carer(s). Talk to your teachers about courses of interest. Meet with your Guidance teacher/YH to discuss your option choices.
Look at the S2 into S3 Options Booklet (available on the school website) for course descriptors. When you have made a choice in each column, tick the box adjacent to the subject name. If you have been unable to choose a subject you wanted to study from the form as it is arranged, you should enter it in the appropriate column at the bottom of the back page of the form. Staff have not yet been allocated within the column structure and there is therefore no point in choosing columns based on the hope of getting a specific teacher. Similarly, it is best to avoid opting based on friendship groupings. Please note that it is possible that an option may not run if uptake is low in relation to effective use of available staffing. Completing the options form…
S2 into S3 options form
Further information… It is important that you look after your form: it has your name and class details on it and therefore can only be used by you. Please return your form, completed and signed, by February 6 th 2015 (or earlier if you have completed the important steps outlined on the previous slide). Processing pupil options to enable the best fit possible, always requires movement of pupil options across columns. Where a subject is oversubscribed, priority will be given to those pupils who have demonstrated the best effort, attitude and application in the subject area to date. Pupils that return their form late will not be given priority for their options. Any questions?