S2 Choice
Why are we here? To improve parents understanding of the theory behind “A Curriculum for Excellence” To improve parents understanding and awareness of the choice process. To understand what the progression there is to national awards To understand the transition to new National qualifications
Curriculum for Excellence “Curriculum for Excellence” has been introduced to raise standards of learning and teaching for all 3 to 18 year olds. It aims to help prepare children and young people with the knowledge and skills they need in a fast changing world’. Throughout pupils S1 to S3 education it is anticipated that they will focus on the development of skills.
Stages of Learning
S3 Curriculum Entitlement S1/2 courses in Chryston High School will mostly focus on level 3 Experiences and Outcomes. As pupils move from S2 we still have to ensure: a broad general education coverage of level 3 E&Os Provide time in S3 for deeper learning which will allow pupils to be presented for a greater number of subjects later in S3 or at the start of S4 – Beginning of Senior Phase.
Junior school model We will ensure that all 8 curricular areas of CfE are covered: Languages and Literacy Mathematics and Numeracy Sciences Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies Religious and Moral Education Health and Wellbeing
Choice form
The near future Jan 19 th – Option Booklets issued to pupils and discussed in PSHE Feb 4 th – Parents Information Evening Feb 25 th – S2 parents Feb 27 th – Completed option forms returned Between now and Feb 27 th each pupil will have lessons in PSHE to explain the options process and look at careers. Each pupil will be issued an choice booklet Each pupil will have an individual interview with Pupil Support to discuss careers and options for course choice.
Role of Pupil Support In PSHE each PS teacher will speak to pupils about what the choice process is. They will look at the choice booklet and offer any advice. Allows pupils to ask questions and find out their own “need to know” information. Each pupil will have an individual options interview and will discuss subjects, grades and career prospects. This can help to identify what subjects may be essential to particular careers. At this time the final choice form will be issued
Your role? Discuss report card, what does your child enjoy? What are they doing well in? What career path would they like to follow? Ask your Son / Daughter why they are picking subjects? Discuss alternative choices Ask advice from staff at parents evening. Above all – be supportive, pupils will have an idea of what they are good at, what they enjoy and that should be enough to guide them along the right lines.
My role? I use the pupils choice to generate columns of classes which are used to timetable the school. I will endeavour to try to “fit in” all student choices. I will contact pupils and parents should there be any issue with any choices they have made.
New Qualifications Replaced with new National qualifications National 3 / Access 3 National 4 National 5 Pupils should be beginning these certificated courses later in S3 or at the beginning of S4 and would be presented at the end of S4. These courses will be the same as the ones they choose in S3.
Additional info – CFE website, includes information for parents -info on new qualifications GOOD LUCK