Step 1 – Self Assessment What do you already know? Open the Traffic Light file from pupil server –Save –then add name and class at the top of the page Self Assessment –Decide what skills you can or can’t do already –For each section (not each skill) - tick red, amber or green (click the box to select it) –Eg …..if you can do all items in Section 1 - tick ‘green’ but for Section 2, if you don’t know what “word-wrap” means then you can only tick ‘amber’ Print in colour (if possible)
Step 2 – Peer Support Going Green Learn how to do every skill on the list Aim to “Go Green” for every section How to do this? –Use the MS Word Help Menu (F1 key) –Find someone else in the class who ticked “Green” for a particular section and ask them to show you how –Use Help Sheets in the pupil server –As a last resort - if no-one knows how – use the Parking Lot to request a teacher demo of that skill
Step 3 – Peer Assessment Show off what you can do! Look at the instruction sheet provided Produce a 2-Page Document on an appropriate subject of your choice (some suggestions are provided) Include every skill you have mastered from each section (but not skills from Sections 1, 2, 7 or 9.3) Peer Assessment –When your partner is satisfied you can demo each skill – ask them to tick and initial each section (beside the green traffic light) –Ask your partner to write their name at the top right of your traffic light sheet
Step 4 – Teacher Assessment Ensure name and class appear on your 2-page Document Print (in colour if possible) Staple together both the Traffic Light sheet and 2-page Document Hand in for teacher to mark Teacher will initial each section from evidence provided in 2-page document
Extension Add text box labels to point out what each skill is and where it can be seen in the 2-page document. Reprint when finished and hand in