Jaisson Mailloux OEM Engineering Services Microsoft
Edition Overview
Integrated Solutions Windows Server Product Showcase General Purpose Servers Users Small Business Mid-Size Business Enterprise Business Consumer (1 - 3 PCs) Customer Segment 3-15 Users 75 Users 300 Users 500+ Users
Management Web Virtualization IIS 7.5 ASP.NET on Server Core Enhanced FTP and WebDAV Administration Modules & Cmdlets Hyper-V™ with Live Migration Remote Desktop Services Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Solid Foundation for Enterprise Workloads Power Management Windows PowerShell AD Administrative Center Best Practices Analyzer Better Together with Windows 7 Scalability and Reliability DirectAccess™ BranchCache™ Enhanced Group Policies RemoteApp & Desktop Connections 256 Core Support Componentization Boot from SAN or VHD Support for Solid-state Devices Technology Investment Areas
‒Minimums are the same as Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition ‒Maximum limits are modified compared to Standard Edition ‒Logo requirements are the same as Windows Server 2008 R2 ‒OEM’s expected to ship on certified HW with logo with ECC memory ComponentRequirements Processor Minimum: 1.4 GHz (x64) Recommended: 2 GHz or faster Memory Minimum: 512 MB RAM Recommended: 2 GB RAM Maximum (64-bit systems): 8 GB Available Disk Space Minimum: 10 GB Recommended: 40 GB or greater DriveDVD-ROM drive Display Super VGA (800 × 600) or higher resolution monitor Other Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Windows Server 2008 R2 System Requirements Product Overview
Customer Value Proposition “Cost-effective technology foundation for your business” Business Value Business Value 1.Easy to purchase, maintain and support 2.Solid foundation to easily grow your business 3.Simply compatible The right technology to 1.Run business applications 2.Share information and resources 3.Access organizations information from anywhere 4.Safeguard your information 1.Low cost of procurement 2.Right capabilities for your business 3.Stable, reliable and secure 4.Benefit from the value of genuine Windows Simplicity Technology Capabilities
Scenarios identical to Standard server so the same user scenarios apply except: 1.Full installation only (no core option) 2.Total number of users 15 (local or AD) 3.Must be joined at the Root of the Forest 4.No Cross Forest trusts 5.Supporting multiple upgrade options End User Scenarios Overview
Windows Server 2008R2 Foundation Selected role and specification comparison with Windows Server 2008R2 Standard * * Indicates an installation option as opposed to a server role NOTE: We are referring to sockets, not cores! Server Class Requirements to include ECC Memory and/or Logo
Hyper-V Restriction – Role not installed
Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation is a cost effective entry level server delivering customer value for small businesses. Limitation Overview Updates Related to Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation
Foundation R2 Product Functionality Technically Enforced ‒x64 only ‒1 Socket only ‒8 GB RAM (max) ‒15 local or AD users ‒30 SMB connections (max) ‒50 RRAS connections (max) ‒10 NPS connections (max) ‒50 Terminal Services Gateway Connections (max) ‒Must be joined to AD root ‒No cross-domain trust relationships ‒No Hyper-V component ‒Edition specific branding ‒Edition specific EULA ‒OEM Only EULA Enforcement ‒No Guest virtual use rights ‒No Windows Server Client Access Licenses (CALs) ‒15 users limit in the EULA ‒No rights to other servers
Technical Limitations introduced with Windows Server 2008 Foundation R2 Technically Enforced AD License Compliance Limitations ‒Total number of users in AD technically limited to 15 (not just EULA limitation) ‒Must be joined at the root of the AD domain ‒No cross-forest trust relationships can be established
Max 15 users contoso.local Total number of users in AD cannot exceed 15 Case 2: Foundation Server participates in the Active Directory 15 User Limitation on Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Case 1: Standalone Foundation Server in Workgroup
15 User Limitation Warning Foundation R2 introduces a hard 15 user limit to Active Directory that is technically enforced.
contoso.local uk.contoso.local Foundation can NOT be used to create child domains or joined to child domains Foundation can only be joined at the root domain provided the total number of users is 15 or less Joining Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation to AD
Must be joined to root of AD domain Server will automatically shut down in 10 days if this condition is not remedied.
contoso.local Number of users in contoso.local < 15 Fabrikam.corp fareast.fabrikam.corp Trust between Contoso and Fabrikam Establishing a Trust relationship between a domain containing Foundation and other domains is NOT allowed Trusts and Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation
No Cross Domain Trusts Server will automatically shut down in 10 days if this condition is not remedied.
RAM Restriction Foundation is limited to 8GB of physical memory. The following 3 slides will show what happens when more than 8GB of memory is installed. The OS will indicate it has more than 8GB of memory, but any memory above 8GB will not be utilized.
RAM Restriction - System Note, System Information shows 16GB of memory installed Note, System Information shows 16GB of memory installed
RAM Restriction – SystemInfo Note, only shows 8GB of memory installed
RAM Restriction – Task Manager Note, only shows 8GB of memory installed Note, only shows 8GB of memory installed
Socket Restriction System Properties – shows a single processor on system with two processors installed (system has a motherboard with two sockets)
Socket Restriction System Info only shows one processor installed
Socket Restriction Task Manager - only one processor visible
Socket Restriction System Information – only one proc visible
Socket Restriction Device Manager shows the two processors installed
FAQs Deployment FAQs Question 1: Is R2 Foundation able to connect to an existing AD? Answer: Yes. It can also be used as Active Directory (AD) member server or Domain Controller should a user decide to configure it that way. R2 Foundation has a 15 AD user limit, and this may limit its usefulness within large AD infrastructures. Question 3: Can you deploy multiple R2 Foundation into single network? Question 2: Is R2 Foundation able to deploy into a network where other Windows Servers, including Small Business Servers, are present? Answer: Yes. Though Windows Server CALs will not work with R2 Foundation. R2 Foundation has a hard 15 user limit. Customers cannot purchase additional Windows Server CALs to supplement this limit. Additionally R2 Foundation users do not supplement Windows Server CALs meaning an R2 Foundation user doesn’t have access rights to other Windows Servers. Answer: Yes.
FAQs continued R2 Foundation does allow for anonymous connections to IIS. There is a limit of 15 authenticated users. Answer: R2 Foundation does allow for anonymous connections to IIS. There is a limit of 15 authenticated users. Is there an anonymous CAL model for Internet Information Server (IIS)? Question 6: Is there an anonymous CAL model for Internet Information Server (IIS)? Yes, so long as they have an appropriate CAL for the other Windows Servers. A Foundation user has no access rights to other Windows Servers. Answer: Yes, so long as they have an appropriate CAL for the other Windows Servers. A Foundation user has no access rights to other Windows Servers. Is a user able to access both Windows Servers with CAL and R2 Foundation? Question 5: Is a user able to access both Windows Servers with CAL and R2 Foundation? There are no Windows Server CALs. Foundation R2 supports 15 users. Should you wish to use Terminal Services or Rights Management, CALs are required for these server roles. A user account must be assigned to a unique user and cannot be shared. Answer: There are no Windows Server CALs. Foundation R2 supports 15 users. Should you wish to use Terminal Services or Rights Management, CALs are required for these server roles. A user account must be assigned to a unique user and cannot be shared. Does R2 Foundation require any Client Access Licenses (CALs)? Question 4: Does R2 Foundation require any Client Access Licenses (CALs)?
Other FAQs continued Question 1: Can Foundation Server use non-ECC memory? Windows Logo Certification Answer: No, ECC memory requirements are incorporated into the license agreement for R2. ECC memory is also required for Windows Server 2008 R2 logo certification. Provided to ensure customers receive the best possible experience based on Server class hardware
Recommending the Right Server Need Multiple Domains/ Trusts, Mail or Authentication Stores? SBS # Users Considering a software firewall? Upgrading a security solution? EBS WS Foundation WS Standard WS EE Shared and calendars? More than 1 processor? Need a database? EBS Premium SBS Premium Need a database? Fewer than 300 PCs in 2 yrs Recommend This Solution Key Decision FactorsInitial Need Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Need High Availability or Branch Operations Efficiency? >300 PCs ~ 2 yrs PCs today < 300 PCs ~ 2 yrs PCs today < 300 PCs ~ 2 yrs < 50 PCs today < 75 PCs ~ 2 years < 50 PCs today < 75 PCs ~ 2 years No Less than 15 users in 2 years? Need on-premises? Yes No Need for server identified (first Server or upgrade) After assessing client needs, use the flowchart to determine the best server solution.
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