R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Ocean Observatories Initiative Parameter metadata – population and curation Karen Stocks OOICI Data Curator
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Defining Parameters Data products are composed of parameters (the measured or calculated “data”) plus descriptive information, aka “attributes” examples: temperature, seafloor pressure, salinity. also: timestamp, ADCP number of beams, QC flags, checksum. Additional information is stored for other resources.
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Describing Parameters A set of information (attributes) is stored about each parameter. Attributes serve three main functions: Discovery: e.g. parameter name Use: e.g. units Interoperability: e.g. Climate and Forecast (CF) standard name
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Parameter Attributes: Names AttributeImportanceExample nameDiscoverysalinity long nameDiscoveryPractical Salinity OOI short nameDiscoveryPRACSAL CF standard nameInteroperabilitysea_water_practical_salinity IOOS parameter nameInteroperabilitysalinity
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Additional Parameter Attributes AttributeImportance axisInteroperability cdm data typeInteroperability code reportUse commentUse custom attributesVarious descriptionUse fill valueUse reference URLsUse/Interoperability unitsUse
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Sources of Parameter Attributes Instrument Operation Specification (IOS): Defines in detail the streams of data coming off of the instrument. Produced by Marine Integration team (Bill French, CI) Data Product Specifications (DPS) Define processed data products, including QC Produced by Project Scientists (Megan Gibney, OL) Community standards and specifications
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Parameter Management Process Parameter Dictionary holds the master, controlled set of parameters. Ensures that naming is consistent across data streams/products. Data products are created in advance of data flowing from instruments: Preload spreadsheets. Responsible parties: Chris Wingard & Karen Stocks
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Future Improvements (2.1 and beyond) Replacing multiple name-related fields with flexible “Term” set that includes the term, the vocabulary it was from, and URL reference points. Ontology/vocabulary management and enforcement (e.g. UDUNITS for units of measure, CF standard names) vs. human review.
R2 IOC, 11/16/2012 Questions?