WE ARE NOW THIS PEOPLE JOAN O. GRIMALT (Profesor de investigación) JORDI F. LOPEZ (Contracted post-doct) CONSTANCIA LOPEZ-MARTINEZ (Ph.D. student) MONTSERRAT FERRER (Ph.D. student) BELEN MARTRAT (Ph.D. student) TERESA RODRIGUES (Ph.D. student) MONTSERRAT ESPARZA (Ph.D. student) BEATRIZ LUENGO (technician)
HIGH RESOLUTION STUDIES WITH BIOMARKERS IN PALEOCEANOGRAPHY Work with sediments Analysis of major compounds Analysis of stable compounds under early diagenesis
wind, rivers, vegetation changes BIOMARKERS n-ALKANES Higher plant inputs wind, rivers, vegetation changes n-ALKAN-1-OLS Marine productivity, Water masses ALKENONES and STEROLS UK’37 = C37:2 C37:3 + C37:2 SST UK’37 = 0.033 SST + 0.044
-150 -100 -50 50 100 150 ODP-977 ODP-1060c MD 98-2165 MD 00-2374
testigo ODP-977A (la cuenca de Alboran) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science NorthGRIP GRIP ODP-980 Velay MD95-2043 T. Philippon ODP-977A testigo ODP-977A (la cuenca de Alboran)
testigo ODP-977A (la cuenca de Alboran) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-977A altura (m) B. M. testigo ODP-977A (la cuenca de Alboran)
Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Corriente de las Azores Corriente de las Canarias Modified Atlantic water (MAW) altura (m) B. M. Modelo de circulación oceánica alrededor de la Península Ibérica (aguas superficiales)
materiales y métodos: alquenonas C37 Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Alquenona diinsaturada Alquenona triinsaturada retention time respuesta SST=10.4ºC SST=20.8ºC Alquenona tetrainsaturada materiales y métodos: alquenonas C37
materiales y métodos: alquenonas C37 Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Alquenona diinsaturada Alquenona triinsaturada Alquenona tetrainsaturada Brassell et al., 1986, Nature Müller et al., 1998, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta materiales y métodos: alquenonas C37
Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science GRIP-GISP2 NorthGRIP MD95-2043 ODP-977A Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia
Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia (-1 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia (-1 climate cycle) Grootes et al., 1993, Nature MD95-2043 Cacho et al., 1999, Paleoceanography
Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia (-1 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia (-1 climate cycle) Dansgaard et al., 1993, Nature North GRIP members, 2004, Nature ODP-977A
Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia ¿? (-2 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Registros ODP-977A versus hielo de Groenlandia ¿? (-2 climate cycle) Berger, 1978, J. Atmos. Sci. ODP-977A
ODP-977A versus detritos líticos en el Atlántico Norte Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-980 ODP-977A ODP-977A versus detritos líticos en el Atlántico Norte
ODP-977A versus detritos líticos (-1 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-977A versus detritos líticos (-1 climate cycle) McManus et al., 1999, Science ODP-977A Perez-Folgado et al., 2003, Mar. Micropaleontol.
ODP-977A versus detritos líticos (-2 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-977A versus detritos líticos (-2 climate cycle) McManus et al., 1999, Science ODP-977A
Registros ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Velay T. Philippon ODP-977A Registros ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo
ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo (-1 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo (-1 climate cycle) Reille et al., 2000, Quat. Sci. Tzedakis et al., 2003, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. ODP-977A
ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo (-2 climate cycle) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science ODP-977A versus polen Mediterráneo (-2 climate cycle) Reille et al., 2000, Quat. Sci. Tzedakis et al., 2003, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. ODP-977A
Variabilidad climática a escala milenaria (-1 ciclo climático) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Variabilidad climática a escala milenaria (-1 ciclo climático) Berger, 1978, J. Atmos. Sci. ODP-977A
Variabilidad climática a escala milenaria (-2 ciclo climático) Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Variabilidad climática a escala milenaria (-2 ciclo climático) Berger, 1978, J. Atmos. Sci. ODP-977A
Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years Martrat et al., 2004, Science Over the last 250.000 years abrupt climatic changes were more common at warmings than at coolings. Some of the most promiment changes occurred in the interglacial periods, after long periods of stability. After the last 250.000 years the climate was at relatively stable warm periods (interglacials or interstadials) while the duration of the glacial periods was shorter.
Atmospheric CO2 content 150 200 250 300 350 400 PRESENT LEVEL 90 ppm INTERGLACIAL Atmospheric CO2 (ppm) 90 ppm GLACIAL
CO2 increase in the atmosphere is changing the climatic conditions of the planet Average atmospheric temperature is increasing Ice melting could lead to disturbance (interruption) of thermohaline circulation There are not examples in the recent past (last 2000000 years) of a climatic situation with the present atmospheric composition in our planet We live within a climatic experiment in which our planet (and ourselves) are the experimental objects CO2 keeps increasing 1.5 ppm per year at least
PUBLICATIONS In the last 10 years (1996-2005) the group has published 50 papers in the leading international literature on paleoceanography Three relevant publications in 2004: B. Martrat, J.O. Grimalt, C. Lopez-Martinez, I. Cacho, F.J. Sierro, J.A. Flores, R. Zahn, M. Canals, J.H. Curtis and D.A. Hodell Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years. Science 306, 1762-1765 (2004) J.F. Lopez and J.O. Grimalt. Phenyl- and cyclopentylimino derivatization for double bond location in unsaturated C37-C40 alkenones by GC-MS. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 15, 1161-1172 (2004) M.J. Vautravers, N.J. Shackleton, C. Lopez-Martinez and J.O. Grimalt. Gulf stream variability during marine isotope stage 3. Paleoceanography 19, PA2011, doi:10.1029/2003PA000966 (2004)