By: Ivan Roussanov and Ethan Stroeve Amish By: Ivan Roussanov and Ethan Stroeve
Origin When: Founded around 1644 to 1720 Who:Created by Jacob Amman Where: Switzerland
Beliefs Self help:Everyone works together and help each other. Separate: believe it is important to stay separated and have a small community. Simplicity:Avoid anything with pride and enjoyment of power. Harmony:Believe that god is pleased when people work in harmony with nature. Tech:Believe that technology would ruin their community.
Religion The amish are neither ethnic or universal because they derive from christianity which is universal but to be a part of the amish you have to live their lifestyle.
Structure The amish are an autonomous structure because no one is above anyone else.
Diffusion The Diffusion of the amish started in switzerland where it then spread by relocation diffusion through North America.
Distribution The amish are distributed throughout north america clustered towards the north east. The amish originated in europe but there are no more amish communities left there.
Sacred places The amish churches are the only sacred places for the amish people.
Citations "The Amish." BBC News. BBC, 23 June 2009. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. <>. Robinson, B.A. "The Amish: History, Beliefs, Practices, Conflicts, Etc." THE AMISH: History, Beliefs, Practices, Etc. 8 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. <>. "Who Leads the Amish Church?" Amish America Who Leads the Amish Church Comments. AMISH AMERICA. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. <>. "Amish Settlements Through Time." Amish Settlements Home. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. <>.