ANTI-ARMOR SYSTEMS For the next 45 minutes we will review systems and capabilities of the Mechanized Infantry and Armor Company. T: AGENDA
AGENDA SMAW-D MAAWS JAVELIN TOW SPIKE-MR We will focus on weapon systems, ranges, manning and ammunition T: Command and Control What assets directly make up the headquarters element for a Mechanized and Armor Company?
M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (BDM) SMAW-D M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (BDM) Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, Disposable (SMAW-D) T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do?
DESCRIPTION SMAW-D provides massive target over-match effects against field fortifications, urban structures, brick masonry, and lightly armored vehicles. Weighs 15.7 pounds and is 32 inches in length. Effective ranges of 15-500 meters. Includes a night sight mounting fixture. Transported by one soldier, and is airdrop certified On soft targets, the fuze delays warhead detonation until the rocket has buried deep into the target. Hard targets cause the fuze to detonate immediately. Breaches 8-inch reinforced concrete and 12-inch triple brick walls. The vehicle has a relatively high profile Powered by a Cummings 600 hp turbo diesel engine 33 tons 45 MPH T: Weapons Overview
M3 Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System (MAAWS) T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do?
DESCRIPTION Description: A shoulder-fired, air jumpable, and swimmable system. An 84mm non-developmental item (NDI) recoilless rifle system consisting of: M3 Carl Gustav reusable launcher compatible with current standard optical devices. High explosive anti-tank (HEAT) round. High explosive dual purpose (HEDP) round. High explosive (HE) round for anti-personnel use. Smoke round. Illumination round. Full and subcaliber training systems. The M3 Rifle weighs approximately 25 pounds and is 42 inches in length. The ammunition weighs between 7 to 10 pounds. The effective range depending on the ammunition type varies from 200 to 1300 meters. There is a Picatinny Fire Control Device (PFCD) used as a mount for optical/night sights to address trajectory differences between HEAT, HE, and HEDP rounds. System fielded with U.S. Army Special Operations Command since 1990. Contractor: Bofors Weapons Systems; Sweden Module A0 ICCC Fort Benning
JAVELIN T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do? Module A0 ICCC Fort Benning
DESCRIPTION The Javelin is a manportable, fire-and-forget, antitank missile employed by dismounted infantry to defeat current and future threat armored combat vehicles. A soft launch ejects the missile from the launch tube to give a low- recoil shoulder launch. The soft launch enables firing from inside buildings or covered positions. The weapon has two attack modes, direct or top attack. Direct attack mode to engage covered targets, bunkers, buildings and helicopters. Top attack mode is selected against tanks. Launched at an 18° elevation angle to reach a peak altitude of 150m in top attack mode and 50m in direct fire mode. Javelin has been selected by UK, Taiwan, Lithuania, Jordan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Ireland, Canada, and the Czech Republic. Javelin is intended to replace the Dragon system in the Army The vehicle has a relatively high profile Powered by a Cummings 600 hp turbo diesel engine 33 tons 45 MPH T: Weapons Overview
M-220 Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided missile (TOW) T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do?
DESCRIPTION Introduced for service in the US Army in 1970 Most widely distributed anti-tank guided missile in the world with over 500,000 built and in service in the U.S. and 36 other countries. Iran may have obtained 1,750 or more. The range of the TOW missile is nearly 4 kilometers (3750m) and the missile will reach a speed of almost Mach 1 (761 mph) on its way to the target. This weapon is capable of penetrating more than 30 inches of armor, destroying any armored vehicle in existence today. Discuss some of the specific procedures on how to load and operate the TOW weapon system. This is to familiarize the students who have a light background and may have never had the opportunity to utilize the equipment. T: M2A3 WEAPONS AND PERSONNEL – HOW MANY SOLDIERS ARE TRANSPORTED IN EACH IFV. 3 MAN CREW and 6 to 7 INFANTRYMEN
TOW SPECIFICATIONS Primary function: Guided missile weapon system. Manufacturer: Hughes (missiles); Hughes and Kollsman (night sights); Electro Design Mfg. (launchers) Size: TOW 2A Missile: Diameter: 5.87 inches (14.91 cm) Length: 50.40 inches (128.02 cm) TOW 2B Missile: Diameter: 5.8 inches (14.9 centimeters) Length: 48.0 inches (121.9 centimeters) Warhead weight 12.4 kg Maximum effective range: 2.33 miles (3.75 kilometers) Armor penetration: T-80 + / 800+ mm [>700 mm] Time of flight to maximum effective range: 2A: 20 seconds 2B: 21 seconds Weight: Launcher w/TOW 2 Mods: 204.6 pounds (92.89 kilograms) Missile Guidance Set: 52.8 pounds (23.97 kilograms) Introduction date: 1970 Unit Replacement Cost: $180,000 Launching Platforms: Man portable crew of 4, HMMWV, M2/M3 BFV, AH-1 Cobra
TOW T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do?
SPIKE-MR (GIL) T: What is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle designed to do?
DESCRIPTION The SPIKE-MR is a lightweight, man-portable, Fire and Forget, multi-purpose missile system with a range of up to 2,500 meters and an optional Fire, Observe and Update mode of operation. Length: 1.2m in the container Warhead: double type HEAT in tandem, a diameter of 110mm, and can penetrate homogeneous shield of 800mm. Maximum range: 4km, reduced to 3km at night or in poor weather Used by Israel, Singapore, Finland, and marketed to the UK, the US, the Netherlands and Germany. The vehicle has a relatively high profile Powered by a Cummings 600 hp turbo diesel engine 33 tons 45 MPH T: Weapons Overview
SPIKE SPECIFICATIONS Effective range 200 - 2,500 meters Weight (Missile in canister) 13 kg Weight (Firing post) 9 kg Weight (Battery) 1 kg Weight (Tripod) 3 kg Total System Weight 26 kg Operation Fire and Forget Fire, Observe & Update (optional) Seeker Electro Optical (CCD, IR or Dual CCD/IIR) Shelf life 20 years Wooden round 10 years maintenance free Ready to fire Less than 30 seconds Reload time Less than 15 seconds
SPIKE FAMILY Designation Max. Range Application SPIKE-SR 800m Infantry SPIKE-MR (Gill) 2,500m Infantry and Special Forces SPIKE-LR 4,000m Infantry, Light Combat Vehicles SPIKE-ER (NTD) 8,000m Infantry, LCV, Helicopters