Streamflow Regime and Changes in Large Northern Watersheds: Human Impacts vs. Natural Variations Daqing Yang, Douglas Kane Water and Environment Research Center University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK99775 Baisheng Ye Cold & Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou , P. R. China
A F E D C H G I J K M L N B A Reservoir
Monthly discharge (m3/s) Lena river, Yenisei river, Ob river, Monthly flow regime and change
Comparisons of long-term daily mean discharge (m3/s)
Annual discharge and trend for Ob, Yenisei & Lena rivers,
Annual precipitation and trend in large Siberian basins,
Vilui reservoir, operated in 1967, max. capacity 35.9km 3, 7% Lena River total runoff E F D A B C H Aldan tributary Area % Runoff % Data Upper Lena basin Area % Runoff % Data Vilui basin Area % Runoff % Data LENA – KUSUR Area ----2,430,000km 2 Runoff km 3 Data G
Monthly discharge (m3/s) Reservoir Effect on Streamflow
Monthly mean discharge for pre-dam ( ) and post-dam ( ) periods at the 4 stations Monthly discharge (m3/s)
Mean stream temperatures, predam ( ) vs. postdam ( ) periods, Suntar station. June discharge and June 20 stream temperature, Suntar station. Dam Impact on Water Temp:
Monthly discharge trends for major sub-basins and at Lena basin outlet
Reconstruction of monthly discharge at basin outlet Regression functions between upstream and downstream Q: June: Q outlet = Q Q 2 May: Q outlet = 660.8e Q 2
Comparison between the observed and reconstructed monthly discharge at Lena basin outlet / Kusur station Reconstructed discharge (m3/s) Observed discharge (m3/s)
Comparison between observed and reconstructed monthly discharge at the Lena basin outlet, Monthly discharge (m3/s)
Comparison of observed vs. reconstructed mean flows at Kusur station
Comparisons of annual discharge and its trend, observed vs. reconstructed, Lena basin outlet
A F E D C H G I J K M L N B A Reservoir