Bic river basin management plan and involvement of local authorities in the implementation of the program of measures Dumitru Drumea, Executive Director, GWP Moldova May, 2012, Sofia
Bic river basin Total population – 1,1 mln people, Chisinau – people Basin area – 2150 square km, town of Chisinau – 105 River length – 157 km in the limits of the town – 12 km Flow – 2 m3/sec, after WWTP 3-4 m3/sec Main economic activity in the basin – agriculture – 60% of the basin area Cost of the water – 0,6 euro/m3
Environmental directives of EU as an integrated part of Moldova – EU Action Plan in regard to environment Management plans for river basins Protected areas Participation in the Common Agricultural Policy (organic farming etc Water Initiative for Eastern Europe Participation in the Danube and Black sea activities (attraction of experience form other regions from Europe to Moldova
Local authorities Promote the adoption on local level an integrated water resources management plans (IWRM) – a long term process to optimize the development, management and use of water resources to advance social and economic development - and achieve the MDGs. Brings all major stakeholders in water together – governments, academics, community groups, agriculture, energy, NGOs, women’s groups and others – to share information and knowledge to create holistic cross sectoral approach leading towards more sustainable development, management and use of water resources
Bic river basin council Technical staffAd-hoc groups Water authorities Sponsoring Partners (sectors of economy, international and local agencies Regional Water management units Network of national institutions dealing with water management Local population (its capacity to pay water services, water users etc) Network of Partners Expert groupsDonors/ projects State institutions
Strategy for involvement of local authorities in water planning Mission – to help local and sectoral authorities to achieve sustainable water resources management in the basin The wider context: consultation meetings, water supply programs, IWRM planning target, synergy with infrastructure. Acceptance that ‘EU integration in water management’ is a long term process and partial steps are needed to apply and plan it. Training for different water users to understand the IWRM approach Women play an important role in the provision, management and safeguarding of water The strategy lists five outputs: 1 - facilitate development of water management in local planning 2 - develop tools and programmes to implement provisions of planning documents 3 – assure link with different water stakeholders, frameworks and sectors 4 - establish and consolidate local partnerships and promote regional cooperation 5 - develop and effectively manage the network of local public and sectoral institutions.
Management Water Practices of local Councils 1.General aspects 2.Openness and inclusiveness 3.Regulations for the regional and municipal Council 4.Regional secretariat staff and employment conditions 5.Technical content and performance 6.The location and mode of operation of the regional secretariat 7. Financial management 8. Set up a streatgy, work plan and budget of the Council 9. Resolve legal matters in order to manage funds 10. Abide with national Conditions for Accreditation and Statutes
Areas of Change A. Environmental management A1. Policies A2. Legislation A3. Financing & incentive structures B. Institutional responsibilities B1. Creating an organization frameworks B2. Institutional capacity strenghtening C. Instruments for management C1. Water resources assessment C2. Plans for IWRM C3. Demand management C4. Social change C5. Regulatory instruments C6. Economic instruments C7. Information management
Challenges in stakeholder and public participation INFORMATION CONSULTATION PARTICIPATION Area for innovation! Avoid purely administrative processes !!! Need for change in mind and philosophy for the administration for stakeholders It is virtually impossible to identify all possible and potential stakeholders ! Information to all Consultation of many Active involvement of few
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