Marek Miertuš – Head of WET department SAM-SHIPBULDING AND MACHINERY WET - Water & Environmental technology department Reference selection Marek Miertuš – Head of WET department
WET department history SAM – SHIPBULDING AND MACHINERY Water & Environmental technology (WET) department established 2013 based on Siemens SK Water Technology department take over. Siemens Water Technology Slovakia: Established in 2005 as a Regional Support Center - RSC for CEE region based on personal acquisition of Intrel. Intrel, a.s. Slovakia: Private Slovak company established 1991 as specialist in water management. More as 15 years experiences in: - water treatment - waste water treatment - cooling water treatment sludge treatment waste water recycling
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology (WET) Water treatment projects (case study) – reference selection: Volkswaen Slovakia, a.s.– Slovakia Water treatment – filtration Thermal Power Plant Nováky – Slovakia Demineralization plant (process water treatment plant) Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce – Slovakia Cooling water treatment Combined Cycle Power Plant Melach – Austria Continental Matador,a.s. Púchov – Slovakia Demineralization plant (process water treatment plant) Municipality Plešivec UF water treatment plant Agrofabric Rosoš Russia Water treatment plant
Water Treatment Plant Volkswagen Slovakia Reconstruction of the gravity sand filters Time of realization: 2007/8 Total capacity: 4x100 ³/hour TSS output: max. 3 mg/l Technology description: filtration after lime softening reconstruction of existing 4 cells sand filter by underdrain system Multicrete II with nozzles cells diameter 3,6 m x 6,3 m central control system Simatic S7
Demineralization Station Thermal Power Plant - Novaky , Slovakia Treatment of surface water Clarification – 2 x 140 m3/h Filtration – 2+1 x 140 m3/h Decarbonization 2 x 140 m3/h Desalination by reverse osmosis Polishing by mixed beds Control system,electricalinstalation Year of commissioning: 2008 Hydraulic Capacity: 2 x 80 m³/hour Output quality after RO: 3 S/cm Output quality after MB : 0,6 S/cm
Decarbonization Plant Nuclear Powerplant Mochovce, Slovakia Treatment of river water: Clarification + chemical dosing Treatment of essential service water: Filtration + chemical dosing Sludge treatment system: Gravity thickeners + filterpresses (not included in our scope of supply) Capacity: 4 x 1250 m³/hour Total: 5000 m³/hour Output quality clarifier: Fe 0,3 mg/l Alkalinity 1,2 mval/l
Water treatment plant Agrochemical factory Russia Technology: pre- filtration (cartridge filter) filtration (sand filter JPF 2500) chemical dosing Time of realization: 2011 Total capacity: 100 m³/hour
Demi plant for boiler feed water Continental Matador Púchov Technology: Revers Amberpack System 2x 2 double chamber filter Degassing column Control system Time of realization: 2011 Total capacity: 2 x 60 m³/hour Conductivity output: 0,1 S/cm
UF water treatment plant Municipality Plešivec Technology: Ultrafiltration unit v UV disinfection UF treatment unit UV disinfection unit Control system Chemical dosing Time of realization: 2013 Total capacity: 1-5 m³/hour
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology (WET) Waste Water treatment projects (case study) - reference selection: Bekaert Slovakia,a.s.– Slovakia Acid water treatment plant Slovak Mint factory – Slovakia Hevay metals waste water treatmetn plant Power plant Nováky – Slovakia Oil waste water treatment plant U.S.Steel Košice – Slovakia Cooling water treatment (primary sedimentation) Continental Matador, a.s Púchov – Slovakia Municipal/Industrial waste water treatment plant Heating plant TEKO.– Slovakia Central water water treatment plant and tertiary treatment U.S.Steel Košice – Slovakia Reconstruction of the clarifiers WWTP Sokoľany Reconstruction of chemical management WWTP Sokoľany Duslo,a.s. Reconstruction of WWTP Istrochem
Waste water treatment plant for acid rinsing ww Bekaert Slovakia – wire production Technology description: lime milk preparation system double chemical reaction system for neutralization flocculation tank existing vertical clarifiers Time of realization: 2007/8 Total capacity: 50 m³/hour Heavy metals total input : 500 mg/l (Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn)
Central waste water treatment plant Slovak Mint Factory Technology description: double chemical reaction system for ww neutralization batch reactor for Cr6+ reduction batch reactor for CN- oxidation Na2S heavy metals precipitation TMF filtration system lamella thickener for sludge thickening control system Simatic S7 Time of realization: 2007/8 Total capacity: 5 m³/hour Heavy metals total input : 200 mg/l (Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cr)
Oil waste water treatment Power plant Nováky , Zemianske Kostoľany Technology description: CPS oil/water separator chemical reaction system for ww pH adjustment chemical dosing - Fe3+, lime milk, polymer for pollution precipitation lamella separator for water clarifying final filtration sludge thickening and dewatering control system Simatic S7 Waste water Time of realization: 2007/8 Total capacity: 35 m³/hour Oil input: 50 mg/l Oil output: max. 0,5 mg/l Cleaned water
Steel shop – waste water treatment and recycling U. S. Steel Slovakia Technology description: distributive open channels with regulation valves third circular clarifier 25 m for TDS separation high pressure pump for sludge transport 15 bar/30 m3/hour Time of realization: 2007/8 Total capacity: 1200 m³/hour TSS input: 2500 mg/l TSS output: max. 50 mg/l
Central waste water treatment plan Continental Matador Púchov Technology: mechanical pretreatment Oil/ water CPS separator chemical reaction system lamella separator Tertial treatment Time of realization: 2012 Total capacity: 150 m³/hour Oil input: 50 mg/l Oil output: 0,5 mg/l COD input: 150 mg/l COD output: 35 mg/l
Waste water treatment plant Heating plant Košice SBR reactor for mixing waste water tertiary filtration salinity regulation Control system Simatic Time of realization: 2008/9 Total capacity: 350 m³/day COD input: 150 mg/l COD output: 35 mg/l
WWTp Sokoľany – reconstruction of clarifiers U. S. Steel Slovakia Technology description: CKD Dukla clarifiers reconstruction Time of realization: 2010/2012 Total capacity: 2 x 800 m³/hour
Waste water treatment plan Istrochem Duslo ,a.s. Technology : mechanical pretreatment biological/chemical treatment tertialy treatment (compact unit) chemical storage and dosing system sludge dewatering control system Simatic Hach-Lange monitoring Time of realization: 2012/13 Total capacity: 280 m³/hour COD output: < 400 mg/l
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology Cooling water treatment : Slovakia Steel Mill, a.s..– Strážské Cooling water management Železiarne Podbrezová, a.s.
Cooling water management in and Steelmaking Slovakia Steel Mill Strážské Time of realization: 2009/10 Total capacity: 7 000 m³/hour TSS output: <10 mg/l Technology description: scale pit with crane grap and tube oil skimmer number of transfer pump station with frequency convertor screen filters 100μm 8 pcs double pressure sand filter diameter 4000 mm for direct cooling water filtration 3 pcs double sand filter diameter 3000 mm for by-pas indirect cooling water filtration micro cooling towers atmospheric cooling towers with fan diameter 8 m sludge treatment for washing water (lamella thickener, filter press, continues sand filters for washing water recycling) Water quality monitoring system Chemical dosing system Control system Simatis S7 400
Cooling water management Iron and Steelmaking Železiarne Podbrezová ,a Cooling water management Iron and Steelmaking Železiarne Podbrezová ,a.s. Time of realization: 2012/13 Total capacity: direct cooling water 200 m³/hour indirect cooling water 1000 m3/hour TSS output: <10 mg/l Technology description: screen filters 100μm 4 pcs pressure single chamber sand filter diameter 3000 mm for direct cooling water filtration micro cooling towers chemical dosing system control system Simatic S7 hydrocyclon reconstruction with oil skimmer transfer pump station with frequency convertor close demi water cooling circuit
Water pre-treatment Sand filters Filtration station
Cooling water recycling Cooling towers
SSM / Slovak Steel Mill Slovakia Steel Mill - 3D view
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology Sludge treatment (case study) – reference selection: Waste water treatment plant USSteel Slovakia Capacity 50 m3/hour Sludge homogenization Sludge dewatering by centrifuge Andritz Polymer make up and dosing system Control system
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology Design works – reference selection: Detailed design - Reconstruction of central waste water treatment plant Sokoľany Capacita – 5000 m3/hour USSteel Košice, s.r.o. Time of realization -2013 Detailed design - Reconstruction of demineralization plant Capacity – 500 m3/hour Duslo Šaľa,a.s. Time of realization - 2013
SAM - Water& Environmental Technology (WET) Company Office: SAM-SHIPBULDING AND MACHINERY, a.s Vlčie hrdlo 5985 820 03 Bratislava WET branch office: SAM-SHIPBULDING AND MACHINERY, a.s. Water & Environmental Technology (WET) Bystrická cesta 181 034 01 Ružomberok Tel.: +421/44/4305 002 Fax: +421/44/4305 033