Status of M50 Modular Coils Winding form models based on m50_256.z01 have been posted in Pro/INTRALINK Working on tee/clamps, wings, port openings, poloidal break, flanges Propose slight modifications to WC using spline optimization, manual tweaks M1, Type A, se M2, Type B, se M3, Type C, se
CDR m50_256.z01 Concept for Shell Openings Use projection of coil path, plasma silhouette to maximize opening Good for eddy current, bad for stress, integration with vessel ports
M1 (v=0) M2 M3 <7-in to M1 Coil set #m50_256.z01 Dots indicate dist from coil to coil-on-left is < 7-in Proposed Winding Center Modification Desire to increase spacing, minimize small “wiggles” through inboard trough region 4.35-in (was 4.0) 4.65-in (was 5.0)
m50.e01 (blue) coils.m50_256.z01 (red) Manual tweak case, e01 Case m50.e01 created by moving points on WS, global smoothing of control points Max deviation from original is 1.9-cm, coil-coil min distance is 6.0-in (was 6.09-in) M1 (m50.e01)
m50_256.z01 (red) m50.e02 (blue) Manual tweak case, e02 Case m50.e02 created by fixing M3, pushing M2, M1 on WS Min coil-coil distance increased to 6.46-in between M2 and M3
m50.e01 (red) m50.e03 (blue) M1 M2 M3 Manual tweak case, e03 Case m50.e03 created by fixing M2, pushing M3, M1 on WS Min coil-coil distance increased to 6.30-in between M3 and M3, 6.36-in for M2-M3
Spline optimization cases (D. Strickler) Using COILOPT to vary spline representation of coils over a region M1 M2 M3 Case c m50_256.z01