19-24 June 2005 Philippe Feautrier - SDW 2005 1 Zero noise wavefront sensor development within the Opticon European network Philippe Feautrier a, Thierry.


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Presentation transcript:

19-24 June 2005 Philippe Feautrier - SDW Zero noise wavefront sensor development within the Opticon European network Philippe Feautrier a, Thierry Fusco b, Mark Downing c, Norbert Hubin c, Jean-Luc Gach d, Philippe Balard d, Christian Guillaume e, Eric Stadler a, Olivier Boissin d, Paul Jorden f, José Javier Diaz g a LAOG, Domaine Universitaire, 414 rue de la piscine, BP 53, Grenoble Cedex 9, France. b ONERA, BP 72, Chatillon Cedex, France. c ESO, Karl Schwartzschild Strasse 2, D Garching bei Munchen, Germany. d Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, 2 place Le Verrier, Marseille Cedex 4, France. e Observatoire de Haute Provence, St.Michel l'Observatoire, France. f e2v technologies,106 Waterhouse Lane Chelmsford Essex CM1 2QU, England. g Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, C/Via Lactea S/N, La Laguna Islas Canarias, Spain. OPTICON: OPTical Infrared Coordination Network for astronomy

19-24 June 2005 Philippe Feautrier - SDW The Opticon network JRA2 Fast detectors for AO Funding: - European Community / Opticon - ESO Joint Research Activities

19-24 June 2005 Philippe Feautrier - SDW Classical CCD or EMCCD ? CCD1: classical CCD CCD2: EMCCD, excess noise 1.4 8m diameter telescope, typically the ESO VLT at Paranal. Atmospheric conditions : Seeing = 0.85 arscec, Wind speed = 12.5 m/s 40x40 sub-apertures system Shack-Hartman sensor Wavefront sensor average wavelength : 0.65 µm Imaging wavelength of the science camera: 2.2 µm 1

19-24 June 2005 Philippe Feautrier - SDW CCD220 main specifications Related presentations: -“A dedicated L3CCD for Adaptive Optics applications”, M. Downing, Tuesday 11:30 -“A dedicated controller for adaptive optics L3CCD developments”, J-L Gach, Friday 9:30