Negation français un
Chauffe-tête Before we learn what ‘negation’ is, we need to be sure we know the answers to the following questions. 1. What are the subject pronouns in French? 2. What does « -er » mean at the end of a verb? 3. What endings do you replace « -er » with for each subject pronoun? 4. What does ‘aller’ mean and how do we conjugate it?
What are the subject pronouns in French? Je / j’ = INous = we Tu= youVous = y’all Il = he Elle= she On = it Ils- they (all boys or a mix) Elles- they (girls only)
What does « -er » mean at the end of a verb? 0 ‘-er’ (and ‘-ir’ and ‘-re’) mean the word TO in English. It must be removed from a verb in a process called conjugation. 0 We usually have to get rid of the word ‘to’ or else the phrase sounds funny. For example, it is correct to say ‘I speak French’ and not ‘I TO speak French’
What endings do you replace « -er » with for each subject pronoun? eons esez eent
What does ‘aller’ mean and how do we conjugate it? ALLER: To go, an irregular verb Je vaisNous allons Tu vasVous allez Il/Elle/On vaIls/Elles vont
Negation : the way in which we say that we DO NOT (insert a verb here) 0 We do this in English, too! For instance: 0 I do not like homework. 0 We do not have time. 0 You all do not care for any other class besides Madame Burse’s 0 We use two words- do not- to negate(make negative) our sentences! 0 Notice: we put do not IN FRONT OF the verb
Ne... pas Ne... pas in French = do not (___) in English 0 Notice that it is ne…pas: the ellipse (those... ) are separating the ne and the pas. In between the ellipse is where the conjugated verb goes 0 Ne (inserted conjugated verb) pas = do not (verb) 0 Remember, conjugated means the verb matches the SUBJECT (like the subject pronouns je/tu/il/elle/nous/vous/ils/ells)
Example: You like to dance = Tu aimes danser. (remember, “er” at the end means “to”!) Let’s make it negative, “you don’t like to dance”; ne and pas surround the verb!! Tu n’aimes pas danser Tu aimes danser BECOMES: Tu n’aimes pas danser NOTICE ! NE became n’ because in French two vowels CANNOT be next to each other !
Pratiquez, partie 1: Change these phrases into the negative by placing ne and pas in the correct place. ‘Volunteers’ will be given pens to go up to board an write the new sentence. 1. Je parle français / I speak French 2. Nous étudions le japonais / We study Japanese 3. Miley Cyrus habite sur la planète Mars / M.C. lives on Mars 4. Vous détestez les devoirs / Y’all hate homework 5. Elle partage les frites / She shares the fries 6. Il mange les insectes / He eats bugs 7. Tu joues les jeux vidéo toute la nuit / You play video games all night 8. Elles marchent au grand magasin / They walk to the mall 9. Ils dansent avec leurs mamans / They dance with their moms
Pratiquez, partie 2: Use your knowledge of the verb aller and your new skill of using ne and pas to talk about where the following pronouns do not go: Subject pronoun:+aller+place 1. Je 2. Tu 3. Il 4. Elle 5. Nous 6. Vous 7. Ils 8. Elles …à la plage. …au supermarché. …aux montagnes. …à la bibliothèque. …au jardin. …aux casiers …à la cité. …au grand magasin.