1 Saving Energy and reduction of CO 2…. …..Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Dutch policy & legislations
2 Current legislation for ATES The new water act ATES systems require water act permit from province Closed loop heatpumps: currently no legislation
3 Current challenges (1): knowledge about closed-loop heatpumps -There are more than closed loop heatpumps -Location unknown -Interference between ATES systems -Management of groundwater protection areas (semi- permeable layers between aquifers, many boreholes)
5 Current challenges (2): Interference between ATES systems
6 Current challenges (3): Quality & efficiency of ATES systems New university complex Wageningen, with ATES system Gas usage estimated: m3 Initial gas usage realized: m3 Actual gas usage: m3 (after training) -Design & management -Relation between subsoil & building
New legislation: the Soil Energy Act Legislation for closed-loop heatpumps General legislation to prevent interference Local planning by City councils made possible Certification for ATES system professionals (both subsoil design & building design) 7