Outline Thoughts Common principles and objectives Words Green economy and policy Actions Green industry Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Example: NCPC Cuba Actions in the OECS
What we start to realize… Group Nation Region Global
Common principles and objectives Global: UNCED Rio 1992, Kyoto 1997, etc. Regional: Barbados Plan for action National: SCP national strategies Group: Agenda 21 Individual: Lifestyle and consumption pattern Common objectives: Respect for earth’s carrying capacity Sustainable production and consumption First relative and the absolute decoupling Low carbon society
Evolution of sustainable manufacturing concepts and practices Source: OECD 2010
Industry as part of the solution Main challenges today: Poverty reduction Wealth and job creation Climate change Parts of the solution: Inclusiveness Competitiveness Greening
Green Economy Green Economy (UNEP, DESA) Green Growth (ESCAP, G20, OECD) Green Jobs (ILO) Sustainable Consumption and Production Green Industry (UNIDO) Macro-level (policy/strategy) Micro-level (operational/ solutions) Green Industry is the strategy for realization of Green Growth – Green Economy – Green Jobs in manufacturing and related sectors
Policy Framework for Green Industry Integrated framework Creating an enabling environment Industry-led initiatives Harnessing environmental technologies Instrument mix
Instrument Mix
UNIDO Green Industry Themes Enabling Green Industry Framework Greening of IndustriesCreating Green Industries Resource Productivity (materials, water & energy) Pollution Prevention (waste & emissions Responsible Chemicals’ Solutions Renewable and Efficient Energy Materials Recovery (3Rs) Pollution Control (POPs, E-waste, Environmental Services Policy and Strategy Capacity Building Technology Development, Adaptation & Deployment Financial Instruments Resource Efficient & Cleaner Production
Benefits for sustainable development Economic dynamic Increased competitiveness and Production efficiency Cleantech is one of the fastest growing global sectors Human development dimension Direct jobs and indirect jobs created Enhanced skills base & improved working conditions Environmental protection Minimization of the impact on nature by enterprises Contribution to low carbon society and footprint
National Cleaner Production Centres Int. programme launched in 1994 as a follow-up to Rio 47 NCPCs established worldwide Technical tools & training manuals produced thousands national & industrial experts trained Regional roundtables, networks of NCPCs and related initiatives
16 National Cleaner Production Centres Mission: to reinforce CP concepts, methods, practices and policies Start off as a project by host institution, transition into nationally owned entities Five common service areas 1. Awareness building and information dissemination 2. Professional training 3. In plant assessments/technical assistance 4. Policy advice 5. Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies 2010: Resource Efficient Cleaner Production RECP Network for best practice sharing
RECP for Climate Action
Cuba National Cleaner Production Network Established in 2001 with UNIDO support Mission to foster implementation of Cleaner Production in Cuba Operates with five focal points each coordinating sector specific initiatives Center for Environmental Information, Management and Education, part of Environmental Agency (CIGEA-AMA), Institute for Research of Sugar Cane Derivates (ICIDCA) Institute for Research on Food Industry (IIIA), Research Institute of Tropical Fruits (IIFT) Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (CIGB)
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management: Havana, Cuba Results Reduction by 38% of waste going to landfill Landfill improved to contain leachate First national waste analysis laboratory established Production of compost, used in agriculture Biogas plant built and used to generate electricity for 150 households Trained > 1100 experts Created > 40 jobs
Efficient Water Management Demonstration Projects: Edible oil & sugar cane industry Edible oil industry Avoidance of 70 t of caustic soda/ year. Reduction of the pollution load discharged to Havana Bay, in 12 t DQO/ year Avoidance of 25,000 t of CO2 emissions. Sugar Cane industry Saving of 1,100,000 m3 of water in a 100 days campaign, with a value of US$ 55,000. Water consumption index reduced from 5 m3/t to 0.78 m3/t of sugar cane. Manual for water management in food industry and TV series on cleaner production
UNIDO activities in Eastern Caribbean Competitiveness and innovation Regional programme designed for Cariforum Renewable energy Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII) Caribbean Solar financing programme (CSFP): Granada Smaller ongoing activities HCFC phase-out management plan: St. Lucia and St. Vincent and Grenadines
Potential opportunities in OECS Joining Green Industry Initiative and becoming part of RECP Programme Capacity building and demonstration projects Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recovery (3R) Renewable Energy e.g. solar, wind, geothermal Support for Investment Promotion Agencies Norms and standards for agribusiness Creative Industries and youth emploment
Time to think and act green Group Nation Region Global “Be the change you want to see in the world” Mahatma Ghandi “It is better to be approximately right than absolutely wrong” Albert Einstein
Thank you very much