4 TYPES : (1)industrial timber estate (ITE) (2)Perhutani timber estate (PTE) (3)Small scale timber estate (SSTE) (4)Rubber plantation (RBP).
Start since latest 8os-early 90s Types of industrial plantation (based on further uses): a. Pulp plantation b. Construction wood plantation Species : Pine, Eucalyptus spp., Acacia, Teak, etc. Cumulative total area until 2006 is 3.5 million ha : Pulp wood 2.4 million ha Saw-/ply-log 1.0 million ha Fuelwood 0.1 million ha
Perum Perhutani estate: Cumulative area of around 1.7 million ha until year 2006 Dominated by teak plantation Spreading East Java, Central Java and West Java. Rubber plantation : In year 2006 area achieved was around 3.3 million ha Small scale timber estate : Area is difficult to estimate Around 1.5 million ha of SSTE was estimated to have a potency of timber about 39 million m 3 (Darusman and Hardjanto, 2006). Established by the community. Tree species: Paraserianthes falcataria, fruit-producing trees, and mahogany.
No.Types of primary wood-processing products 1Sawn Timber 2Veneer 3Plywood 4LVL 5Pulp 6Wood Chips
No. Source of raw materials Number of industriesLog Consumption Number of industries Log Consumption (x 1000 m3) 1Natural forest (N) Plantation forest (P) Rubber plantation (R) Import (I)--11 5Mix a. N+P b. N+R--13 c. N+I d. P+I e. P + R e. N+P+R f. N+P+I g. N+P+R+I Total
AspectsRegulationsContents Management The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.3/Menhut-II/2008 Area delineation procedures for industrial plantation forest The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.19/Menhut-II/2007 The general procedures to apply for license/permit in establishing plantation area by the private sector The Government of Indonesia (GoI) Decree No: P.6/Menhut-II/2007 General forest management Utilization The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.35/Menhut-II/2008 Primary industry for forest products (Sawn timber, veneer, chips, plywood, laminated veneer lumber (LVL)) The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.45/Menhut-II/2007 General application procedure for permit/license in the utilization of equipments for forest products extraction in plantation forest areas The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.23/Menhut-II/2007 General application procedures for permit/license in the utilization of timbers from community-industrial forest The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.9/Menhut-II/2007 Working plan for the utilization of forest products in the plantation forest areas (including community-industrial plantation forest) The Minister of Forestry (MoF) Decree No: P.51/Menhut-II/2006 The use of letter of origin clearance (SKAU) for timbers from community forest
First introduced in 2006 Stipulated in the Government Decree No.6/2007. Has been introduced to almost provinces in Indonesia Has received positive response from the community The general aim is to improve the livelihood and competency of the forest community in managing the forest. The private sector role : Market for the timbers produced in the program Contribute to the investement required. Program progress : Several relating regulations are now being processed Study/research in relevant aspects, particularly the readiness of community to get involve in the program and the marketing aspects
Main Task : To conduct research and development to support the sustainable development of forestry sector Organization structure : 1.Four (4) Central Research Centres 2.Two (2) Research Centres with Specific Area Development: 3.Thirteen (13) Supporting Research Working Units
1. Sustainable management of natural production forest 2. Plantation forest establishment and management 3. Management of riverside land and rehabilitation of critical land 4. Management of protection area and biodiversity 5. Development of community forest 6. Development of NTFP for small medium enterprises 7. Techno-economic of forest products utilization 8. Utillization and marketing of forest services 9. Biological and basic properties of forest products 10. Institutional improvement for forest products production 11. Dissemination, network and collaboration in R&D program 12. Improvement of R&D institutional capacity, planning and evaluation systems 13. Improvement of R&D capacity
SPECIES INVESTIGATED Teak Pine Acacia sp. Eucalyptus sp. Eusideroxylon sp. (ulin) Dyera sp. (jelutung) Gonystylus sp. (ramin) Shorea sp. (meranti) Other dipterocarpaceae Multipurpose tree species (Azadirachta sp., Melia sp., fruit-producing trees etc) Paraserianthes sp.
NETWORKS : Domestic : Local universities, Institute Science of Indonesia, Perum Perhutani, private, other research agencies International : ACIAR, ITTO, JICA, TROPENBOS, DFID, Cambridge University
FOCUS: Superior seed/ling Seed orchard/garden Production techniques vegetative propagation Silviculture techniques Pest and diseases for plantation forests Production rotation
TEMPORARY RESULTS: Fast-growing teak species Method to minimise the heart-rot diseases in mangium plantation Demonstration plot for plantation of mangium from different provenances Mycorrhizae technology
FOCUS : Basic properties Processing techniques Product development Wastes utilization
Basic properties Anatomy & structure Resistance to the attack of wood destroying organisms Physical-mechanical properties Sawing-ability Air drying Veneer characteristics
Processing techniques Drying Preservative treatment Properties improvement (chemical, physical modification) Notes: Most plantation hardwood are vulnerable to the attack of wood destroying organisms and difficult to dry.
Product Development Construction wood from oil-palm trunks Glue-laminated timber for furniture and building Joint board Wood preservative materials Quality standard development
Wastes utilization Furniture from harvesting wood wastes Plant fertilizer from pulp wastes Wood adhesives from mangium bark Bioenergy-products (charcoal, activated charcoal, briquette) Others : wood vinegar, edible mushroom grown on sawdust
TEMPORARY RESULTS Solar drying collector equipment Drying technique for standing trees to reduce moisture content Construction wood from oil palm Steam-bending machine for construction timber Glulam from plantation timber Furniture from harvesting wood wastes Wood adhesives from the tree barks Bioenergy products (charcoal, etc) from wood wastes Edible mushroom grown on sawdust Wood vinegar from wood wastes
High temperature drying properties Solar collector for drying timber
R & D in CharcoalR & D in oil-palm trunks
Rubber plantation development : Rubber production Ministry of Agriculture Timber production (small amount), industry initiative
Rubber plantation and production (Ministry of Agriculture) Processing technology of rubberwood (Ministry of Forestry) Preservative treatment to improve resistance to blue stain prophylactic treatment (TMB, CCB, etc) < 1 week Drying research : vacuum drying in 1990’s < 2 weeks, the colour is uniform, no defects, discontinued to high cost investment and operation solar drying easily attacked by the blue stain
Plant production technology/silviculture Small diameter logs Quality improvement of timber-based products High added-value products Industrial-chemical engineering (preservatives, finishing, etc) Machinery engineering to improve the industry’s efficiency Rubberwood : Use of tapped rubber High-value added products development Latex/sap controlling techniques
CONTACT : SITES ADDRESS Ministry – Manggala Wanabakti Bld., JAKARTA FORDA – Jl. Gunung Batu 5 PO Box 182 BOGOR