How we did it? Downloading information from Counting into percents Dividing into classes Looking for the names of voivodeships Coloring map with different shades of colour (from darkest to brightest) Making the legend
PRIVATE FORESTS This map shows how many hectares of polish forests are in private possession in each voivodeship. Majority of them are in Śląskie and Podlaskie voivodeships. Minority of private forests is on the far west of Poland. The biggest surface of forests is 13,07%, and the smallest is 0,49% of land.
DUST POLLUTION This map illustrates level of dust pollution in each voivodeship. The most of it is on Śląsk. The cleanest air is on the east of Poland. The biggest pollution is 6,8 t./km2 and the least is 0,3 t./km2.
FORESTS This map indicates the surface of forests in hectars in each voivodeship. The biggest surface of them is in Lubuskie and the smallest is in Mazowieckie, Podlaskie, Łódzkie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodships. In percents it means: 49% (biggest) and 21% (smallest) of land.
USE OF WATER This map shows how many water we use per person in dam3 in each region. The biggest use (0,71-1,1) we can notice in Zachodnio- Pomorskie and Świętokrzystkie voivodeships. The smallest use (0,04) is on the north part of our country.
USE OF WATER (INDUSTRY) This map explains industrial use of water in Poland. The most of it is visible in Dolnośląskie and Śląskie voivodeship. The smallest use is in Wielkopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie and Warmińsko-mazurskie. In percents that means: 0,1-0,3 and 0,6- 1 dam3/person.
NITRIC OXIDE POLLUTION This map indicates nitric oxide pollution in each voivodeship. The majority of it we can notice in the Śląskie voivodeship. The minority – Zachodnio- Pomorskie, Lubuskie, Warmińsko- Mazurskie, Podlaskie and Lubelskie voivodeship. In percents it is: the smallest- around 1 t/km2; the biggest – up to 9,7 t/km2
SULFUR DIOXIDE POLLUTION This map illustrates sulfur dioxide pollution in each voivodeship in t/km2. The smallest pollution we is noticeable in Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie i Zachodnio-Pomorskie. The biggest in Śląskie voivodeship. It means: around 1 % and around 15 %.
How we did it? Downloading information from Counting right numbers Drawing circles and columns Making legend
Natural Monuments in Poland The most of natural monuments in Poland are in Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie voivodships. The minority of them is in Opolskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships.
Bisons in Poland This map shows the quantity of bisons in polish regions in The biggest circle tells that there is the biggest number of bisons. In Lubuskie, Lubelskie, Świętokrzyskie and Opolskie regions there are no bisons. In the east there are more of them, because those terrains contain more forest areas. The largest number of them – 550 is located in Podlaskie region contrarilly to the central and south-west side of our country (only 5-20 in each region).
Protected areas This map shows protected terrains in hectares in each Mazovia county. We can see that in the city counties there are less protected areas. In the north-west of Warsaw it’s the highest surface of nature terrains, that is influenced by the presence of Kampinowski National Park. The biggest amount of protected land in a number of ha is located in Płocki county and the Wyszkowski county.
Use of water On this map we can see average use of water for year We can deduce that people use more water in the southern part of Mazovia and the biggest amount in Kozienicki county (27 dam3). Average use of water for Mazovians is about 100 m3. The most intensive usage of water is in city counties, because of the high population density.
Intensity of forests Next map shows the intensity of forests occurrence for The most intensive is almost everywhere in Mazovia, just the western part has about 10% of its surface (the rest is about 25-30%). In each city county there are less forests terrains. The highest intensivity is 30,1%, when the smallest surface is 10%.
Trashes in Mazovia region This map talks about the number [in tons per one person] of trashes in Mazovia for We observe that the biggest quantity of them is situated in the biggest cities with big population density like Warsaw in the center and smaller like Płock or Radom. The smallest density of trashes is located outside of region. The biggest amount is 0,48t/person and the smallest – 0.08t/person.
CONCLUSIONS 1.Bisons are very rare animals living in forest (they are endangered) 2.National Parks very well affect the protection of natural areas 3.The most intensive usage of water is in city counties, because of the high population density. 4.In the west of Mazovia more land is used for agriculture. 5.As population density is growing there are more trashes (most of them in cities and central part of Mazovia) 6.Minority of private forests is on the far west of Poland. 7.The cleanest air is on the east of Poland. 8.The biggest surface of forests is in Lubuskie 9.The biggest use (0,71-1,1) we can notice in Zachodnio-Pomorskie and Świętokrzystkie voivodeships 10.The smallest use of water (industry) is in Wielkopolskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie and Warmińsko-mazurskie. 11.The majority of nitric oxide we can notice in the Śląskie voivodeship. 12.The biggest sulfur dioxide pollution is in Śląskie voivodeship. 13.The most of natural monuments in Poland are in Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie voivodships.
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