Aplication of Hydro- Cartographic Services and Products TOURISM
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What does Maritime Tourism cover? 3.Is it important for the region? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What could be the problem?
Aplication of Hydro – Cartographics Services and Products 1.Maritime Transportation 2.Defence 3.Maritime Delimitation 4.Environmental Protection 5.Natural Hazards assessment 6.Fishery and Acuaculture 7.Tourism 8.Coastal Zone Management 9.Non living Resources 10.Marine Science Research
Maritime Transportation Defence Maritime Delimitation Environmental Protection Natural Hazards assessment Fishery and Acuiculture 7.Tourism 8.Coastal Zone Management 9.Non living Resources 10.Marine Science Research Tourism Aplicatión of Hydro – cartográphics Services and Products
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What does Maritime Tourism cover? 3.Is it important for the región? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are ther for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What does Maritime Tourism covers? 3.Is it important for the region? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Increment in tourist arrivals wweren´t as great as in other American regions, but still significative (7%) Traffic increment from USA, Canada and Europe because of favorable exchange currency and a perception of “secure destination”. Cuba and Puerto Rico grow more than 9%. Dominican Republic and Jamaica (5%) Bahamas (3%).
Year Passengers % Change 19993,112,3555% 20003,364,6438.1% 20013,391,0910.8% 20023,642,9907.4% 20033,960,6148.7% 20043,499, % 20053,605,2013.0% Cruise Statistics
"The Caribbean islands heavily depend on tourism," stressed Francesco Frangialli, WTO's Secretary-General, "tourism represents in some of them 30, 40 or an even greater percentage of the gross domestic product". "The natural disaster hit them at a time, when the majority of the islands were experiencing great tourism growth, after a few difficult years. We are very concerned about the people, their lives and future, which depends in large on the soundness of the region's infrastructure," Madrid, 16 September The World Tourism Organization
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What does Maritime Tourism covers? 3.Is it important for the región? 4.Is it important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Beginning boaters needs to answer their two most frequent questions: “Where am I?” “How do I get to…?”
Recreational Boating Applicable to any boat, whether it is a sailing, fishing, inboard, outboard, rowboat, or canoe. Are you aware of the benefits of using nautical charts? Benefits include decreasing the possibilities of grounding and damaging your boat, reducing possible damage to the environment, and increasing boater and personal safety. In fact, Nautical Charts Protect Lives, Property and the Marine Environment. The demand for electronic charts among recreational boaters is increasing.electronic charts
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What is Maritime Tourisim? 3.Is it important for the región? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Guatemala: Last surveys from 1985 Honduras, Latest chart edition from 1980 Information received at IHO visit, feb “Their coastal waters are traversed by some of the biggest passenger-carrying vessels in the world, yet a significant percentage of those waters have not been surveyed since the nineteenth centuty.” Captain Mike Barritt
While NOAA has accuracy standards for each step in the data collection and chart production process, much of the depth information found on NOAA charts is based on surveys conducted before 1940, the shoreline is more than 20 years old, and paper charts used to be compiled manually.
Needs from Tourism industry In the Caribbean modern surveys, metrication and datum shift to WGS 84 are all urgent requirements in locations which are now frequented by cruise liners. The increasing tendency of cruise liners to seek new routes, anchorages, and port calls, has high- lighted the need for more rigorous surveys of areas which were originally explored in the nineteenth century. This is a major challenge for developing hydrographic services in the Caribbean.
Lead line Single beam Multibeam before – Present day Better Coverage and more accurate information
Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What is Maritime Tourisim? 3.Is it important for the región? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Derrotero Digital Aviso a los Navegantes
The new NOAA PocketChart is a special- purpose map compiled for beginning recreational boaters. It is an eye- catching, inexpensive, introductory charting product that has a miniaturized image of a NOAA nautical chart on one side; and safety, boating, and educational information on the reverse. Each PocketChart chart reverse side has a different mix of safety, boating, and educational information compiled from federal, state, and cooperating private sources. This information will increase the safety and enjoyment of a beginner’s boating experience. Examples of information that may be included on the reverse side: Selected information from the United States Coast Pilot® Table 2 tide correctors Safety information from Coast Guard publications State boating education regulations, boat licensing requirements, state rules and regulations Nautical chart design and usage information Coast Guard navigation rules National Estuarine Research Reserve information Weather information or warnings
Customize the amount of detail according to your needs Shaded depth contours, NavAids, spot soundings, text & land features. Display what you need. Uncluttered screen with only the information you require to navigate safely Customized Screen Display
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“Raster Like” Presentation…. Utilising the latest PC display technologies, MAX Pro supports: Million Colours - True Type fonts - Direct X Produces the most “Raster Like” display from a vector chart
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Tourism 1.Introduction 2.What is Maritime Tourisim? 3.Is it important for the región? 4.It is important for the tourism industry? 5.What do we need from hydrography? 6.What hydrographic products are there for the tourism industry? 7.What´s the problem?
Nación/ÁreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Bahamas Belice Costa Rica Dominica El Salvador Honduras México Nicaragua Reporte de las Naciones/Areas de la Región con menos del 25% de sus aguas menores a 200 m adecuadamente levantadas
Nación/ÁreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia St Vincent & the Grenadines Suriname Montserrat Navassa Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands St Barthelemy Turks & Caicos Islands
Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región con mas del 75% de sus aguas menores a 200 m adecuadamente levantadas Nación/ÁreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Aruba & Netherlands Antilles (Leeward Is) Islas Caimán Guadeloupe y Martinique, France
Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región sin avances y/o cambios en los levantamientos desde el Nación/ÁreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Antigua y Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda Bahamas Bahamas Barbados Barbados Belize Belize Costa Rica Costa Rica Dominica Dominica
Nación/ÁreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 El Salvador El Salvador Grenada Grenada Guyana Guyana Haití Haití Jamaica Jamaica México México Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región sin avances y/o cambios en los levantamientos desde el
Nación / áreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá St Kitts & Nevis St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia St Lucia St Vincent & the Grenadines St Vincent & the Grenadines Suriname Suriname Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región sin avances y/o cambios en los levantamientos desde el
Nación / áreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad y Tobago Anguilla UK Anguilla UK Aruba & Netherlys Antilles (Leeward Is) Aruba & Netherlys Antilles (Leeward Is) British Virgin Is British Virgin Is Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región s in avances y/o cambios en los levantamientos desde el
Nación / áreaAño.A1A2B1B2C1C2 Islas Caimán Islas Caimán Montserrat Montserrat Navassa Navassa Antillas Holyesas Antillas Holyesas Puerto Rico & US Virgin Is Puerto Rico & US Virgin Is Turks & Caicos Is Turks & Caicos Is Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región s in avances y/o cambios en los levantamientos desde el
Reporte de las Naciones/Áreas de la Región con medianos a bajos estados en Cartografía Nación/ÁreaAño.Pequeña escalaMediana escalaMayor escala %% ABCABCABC Colombia Cuba El Salvador Surinam Puerto Rico & US Virgin Is
Reporte de las Naciones/Areas de la Región que trasmiten sus avisos a los navegantes a través de NAVAREA Nación/ÁreaAñoLocal Coste ro NAVARE ANote Informaci ón de puertosNote Colombia2006Si Honduras2006Siparcia l Si México2006Si Anguilla2006parcialSi Available por SafetyNET SiA través UKHO Aruba & Netherlys Antilles 2006Si No British Virgin Isly2006parcialSi Únicamente via NAVAREA y SafetyNET SiA través UKHO Cayman Islys2006desconocid o Si Únicamente via NAVAREA y SAFETYNET SiA través UKHO Guadalupe y Martinique, France 2006Si Via NAVAREASi Monserrat2006NoSi Únicamente via NAVAREA coordinador & safetyNET. SiA través UKHO Netherlys Antilles2006Si No Navassa Isly2006Si Puerto Rico & Virgin Islys2006Si Turks & Caicos Islys2006parcialSi Únicamente via NAVAREA coordinador & safetyNET. SiA través UKHO
S- 55 evaluation in significant areas of the Caribbean Sea there has been little change, and it is here that capacity building efforts must be concentrated Action is needed to implement the GMDSS in a number of areas, notably in Central America and the Caribbean In the Caribbean modern surveys, metrication and datum shift to WGS 84 are all urgent requirements in locations which are now frequented by cruise liners. The IMO has high-lighted concerns reported from the following areas:The channels around Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The advent of deeper draught shipping has increased the urgency of national programmes to review and upgrade coverage which predates the deployment of sidescan sonar and multi- beam echo sounder (MBES). The increasing tendency of cruise liners to seek new routes, anchorages, and port calls, has high-lighted the need for more rigorous survey of areas which were originally explored in the nineteenth century. This is a major challenge for developing hydrographic services in the Caribbean. Metrication programmes are underway in many areas e.g. in the UK coverage of islands in the Caribbean, but this rarely indicates the availability of significant modern surveys. The widespread use of GPS, the advent of ECDIS and the introduction of AIS, lends great urgency to efforts to identify datum transfers and to re-publish charts on WGS 84 datum is particularly important in the Caribbean. Arrangements for communicating up to date information to chart-producing HOs in a timely manner remain deficient in many countries, especially in the Caribbean and Africa. Co-ordination between different maritime agencies is poor in many developing countries, and is not helped by lack of awareness of hydrography within governments. The top priority for IHO capacity building effort must be to assist every coastal state to achieve the vital first stage of hydrographic capacity, namely, the ability to collect, collate and promulgate urgent navigational safety information in a timely manner. This work is already underway in a number of the RHC areas through the medium of expert visits and technical workshops.