Language Across Curriculum: F3 LAC in English Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
Use of Problem and Solution After studying the lesson on “Lending a Hand” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I understand the concept of Problem and Solution.
Statement 2: I know how to use graphic organizers (e. g Statement 2: I know how to use graphic organizers (e.g. mindmap) to show different problems and solutions.
Statement 3: I know how to use some sentence structures (e. g Statement 3: I know how to use some sentence structures (e.g. In order to…) to describe problems and suggest solutions.
Statement 4: I know how to organize ideas for showing different problems and solutions. (e.g. point by point structure)
Statement 5: I know how to write a text (e. g Statement 5: I know how to write a text (e.g. a letter to the editor) to describe problems and suggest solutions.
In what way do you think we can support you to learn English better in the lessons? Watch more videos / films / ETV (27) Play more games (23) No / No idea (20) Do more activities (10) Adopt an interesting way (9) Listen to English songs (9) Speak more in English (7)
In what way do you think we can support you to learn English better in the lessons? Practise more (5) Teach more about certain topics (4) Do more worksheets (3) Do more grammar exercise (1) Teach more about using graphic organizers (1) Teach more grammar (1) Teach more sentence structures about problem and solution (1) Teach more vocabulary (1)
In what way do you think we can support you to learn English better in the lessons? About learning materials (3) Read more English stories (2) Use more Chinese (2) Others (12) Provide examples for us before writing a letter to the editor (2) Read some passages about problem and solution (1)
Language Across Curriculum: F2 LAC in IS Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
Use of Cause & Effect After studying the lesson on “Unit 9 Space travel” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I understand the concept of cause & effect.
Statement 2: I know how to use graphic organizers to show the relationship between the cause & effect of events.
Statement 3: I know how to use signal words (e. g Statement 3: I know how to use signal words (e.g. since & therefore) to describe cause & effect.
Statement 4: I know how to use some sentence structures to describe cause & effect.
Statement 5: I know how to organize ideas for describing cause & effect in paragraphs/essays.
Statement 6: I know how to write a short paragraph showing the cause & effect relationship of an event.
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the IS lessons? Play more games (28) No / No idea (22) Do more experiments (13) Do more activities (9) Watch more videos (9) Use more English in class (5) Adopt an interesting way (3)
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the IS lessons? Practise more / Do revision (3) Provide students with more learning materials, e.g. worksheets, notes (3) Don't speak too fast (1) More quizzes (1) Spelling (1) Others (8)
SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School Language Across Curriculum: F1 LAC in Mathematics Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
After studying the lesson on (Post-questionnaire) “Profit % and Loss %” ” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I know the meaning of profit and loss in English.
Statement 2: I know the formulas of calculating the profit percent and the loss percent in English.
Statement 3: I know how to apply the formulas of calculating the profit percent and the loss percent in English.
Statement 4: I know how to explain the answer by using comparatives (e Statement 4: I know how to explain the answer by using comparatives (e.g.…is greater than…) and conjunction (e.g. because…)
In what ways do you think we can support you to use English in Mathematics lessons? (1) Watch ETV (29) In English (9) In Chinese (1) More interesting games and activities (23) In English (2) In groups (2) More English should be used in class (12) Explain difficult English words or concepts in Chinese (11)
In what ways do you think we can support you to use English in Mathematics lessons? (2) More worksheets and exercises (8) Good enough (4) Cantonese should be avoided in class (3) More examples to illustrate what is being taught (3) Introduce more Maths vocabulary in English (3) Slower teaching pace (2) No comments (11) Others (19)
SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School Language Across Curriculum: F3 Integrating English in Biology Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
After studying the lesson on “ Absorption of digested food substances” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I understand the steps of summarizing the ideas in a paragraph.
Statement 2: I know how to write a general sentence to summarize a paragraph.
Statement 3: I know how to use graphic organizers (e. g Statement 3: I know how to use graphic organizers (e.g. a table) to show different ideas in the paragraph by using a general sentence.
Statement 4: I know how to extract the key information from the diagrams.
Statement 5: I know how to use some sentence structures to make comparison.
Statement 6: I know how to write a short paragraph of comparison to show the similarities or differences.
Statement 7: I will try to summarize the ideas from paragraphs and extract key information from the diagrams for my future revision.
In what way do you think we can support you to learn biology? About the ways of teaching (14) Watch more videos (13) Teach students how to understand and answer the questions (5) Spend more time to teach sentence structures (2) Teach students how to summarize a paragraph (2) Teach with a slower pace (2) Provide more information about this subject (1) Teach us examination skill (1) Use a more simple way to teach us (1)
In what way do you think we can support you to learn biology? Practise more / Do revision (12) Play more games (10) Do more activities (9) No / No idea (9) Provide students with more learning materials, e.g. worksheets, notes (9) Do more dictations or quizzes (4) Do more group projects (2) Teach us some method to memorize the word (1)
In what way do you think we can support you to learn biology? Learn vocabulary of biology (8) Do more experiments (7) Spelling (2) Use Powerpoint (2) Adopt an interesting way (1) Use more English in class (1) Others (16) Make a vocab list for the students (1) Improve my English (6)
SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School Language Across Curriculum: F3 Integrating English in Chemistry Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
After studying the lesson about “Metal reactions” (Post-questionnaire) Use of Cause & Effect After studying the lesson about “Metal reactions” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I understand the concept of cause & effect.
Statement 2: I know how to use some sentence structures to describe cause & effect. (e.g. When/If….. , it will..…)
Use of Sequencing / Procedural ordering
Statement 3: I know how to read a short passage that describes procedures/ the steps.
Statement 4: I know how to use conjunctions (e. g Statement 4: I know how to use conjunctions (e.g. Firstly…) to describe procedures.
Statement 5: I know how to use English to write a short essay that describes procedures to complete a task.
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the Chem lessons? Do more activities (23) Play more games (20) No / No idea (17) Watch more videos (14) Provide students with more learning materials (5) Competitions (16) Discussions (2) Read more English books about Chem (2) Give more passages to read (2)
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the Chem lessons? Practise more / Do revision (4) Adopt an interesting way (3) Use more English in class (3) Do more experiments (2) Use Powerpoint (2) Others (9) Give more prizes (2)
SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School Language Across Curriculum: F3 Integrating English in Physics Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
After studying the project “My Telescope” (Post-questionnaire) Reflections After studying the project “My Telescope” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I understand the theory applied when making the telescope.
Statement 2: I know how to choose the theme as my focus.
Statement 3: I know how to overcome the difficulties when making the telescope.
Statement 4: I understand the areas I need to improve when doing the telescope project.
Statement 5: I know how to develop my independent learning skills through the project.
Statement 6: I know how to cooperate with others.
Statement 7: I enjoy doing the project.
Statement 8: I have positive feelings towards Physics subject.
Statement 9: I have used different sentence patterns (e. g Statement 9: I have used different sentence patterns (e.g. cause and effect) to write my report.
In what way do you think we can support you to use English to learn Physics in the lessons? Do more activities (28) Do more projects (23) Play more games (20) Watch more videos (14) Group discussions (4) Outings (3) Competitions (2)
In what way do you think we can support you to use English to learn Physics in the lessons? Do more exercises / Practise more (12) Do more experiments (11) No (10) About the ways of teaching (4) Use different sentence patterns (3) More dictations (1) Write more essays (1) More examples (2) Explain more (1) Teach useful vocab about Physics (1)
In what way do you think we can support you to use English to learn Physics in the lessons? Provide students with more learning materials, e.g. vocab lists, notes (4) Use more English in class (4) Use Chinese to help (3) Use more Powerpoints (3) Do more presentations (2) Others (8)
SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School Language Across Curriculum: F1 Integrating English in ICT Questionnaire Analysis SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial School
Use of Making Judgement with Reasons Before studying the lesson about “Robotics Programming” (Post-questionnaire)
Statement 1: I know how to apply the instructions into NXT programming.
Statement 2: I know how to compare the effectiveness of two programs.
Statement 3: I know how to make judgement with reasons on choosing a better algorithm (flow of NXT programming).
Statement 4: I know how to state the advantages and disadvantages of using different algorithms to complete tasks.
Statement 5: I know how to conclude the preference after analysing a graphic organizer (e.g. table).
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the ICT lessons? Use more English in class (10) Practise more / Do exercises (9) Play more games (7) No / No idea (6) Provide students with more learning materials (4) Do more programming / computer tasks using English (4) Give us English books / ICT books to read (3) Give us English newspapers to read (2)
In what way do you think we can support you to use English in the ICT lessons? About the way of teaching (3) Watch more videos (3) Do more activities (1) Others (4) Teach more computer skills (1) Teacher can use Chinese to explain when I do not understand (1) Use more pictures to teach (1)