OIL#19 Alternative warm-up procedure (JAPAN proposal) 14th of January, 2015 WLTP-09-09-rev1e.


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Presentation transcript:

OIL#19 Alternative warm-up procedure (JAPAN proposal) 14th of January, 2015 WLTP rev1e

OIL# 19 Title : Alternative warm-up procedure WLTP rev1e by Japan Brief description EU manufacturer claimed that current WLTC based warm-up procedure takes too much time so alternative warming up method should be set. On the other hand, inappropriate alternative warm-up procedure may cause flexibility (i.e. transferring road load at low temperature vehicle condition etc.). Hence the alternative procedure should be evaluated with a equivalency to the WLTC based warm-up cycle. Initial proposal (1)The cycle and method of an alternative warm-up procedure should be based on each manufacture’s recommendation. The manufacturer shall show its equivalency to WLTC warm-up result to get approval by Responsible Authority in advance. When the manufacturer uses the alternative warm-up procedure, detail test condition should be reported. (2)Vehicle representing the family defined in (3) shall be selected in the verification of equivalency and meet the criteria as below. The cycle energy demand of each applicable phases calculated according to paragraph 5 of Annex 7 of the dyno set road load value obtained by alternative warm-up procedure must be equal or higher than that of WLTC warm-up procedure. (3)Alternative warm-up procedure family shall adopt the Road Load family. Proposed at Pune and adpoted

Cycle enegry demand besed on Target f0,f1,f2 and E WLTP = f(f0, f1, f2) (2) E alt = f(f0a, f1a, f2a) (3) f(x,y,z) : cycle energy demand foumula accroding to paragraph 5 of Annex 7 Cycle enegry demand based on Dyno Set A,B,C. E’ WLTP = f(SetA_wltc, SetB_wltc, SetC_wltc) (4) E’ alt = f(SetA_alt, SetB_alt, SetC_alt) (5) f0a = f0 – SetA_wltc + SetA_alt (1) f1a = f1 – SetB_wltc + SetB_alt f2a = f2 – SetC_wltc + SetC_alt Should we use two dyno targets(f0,f1,f2 and f0a,f1a,f2a) or two dyno sets(SetABC_wltc and SetABC_alt) for this comparison? There are possibilities that E’ alt E WLTP occur at same time. Since the offset dyno-set ABC_alt (i.e. f0a,f1a,f2a) are more representative road load during driving than SetABCs, and also the cycle energy calculation at current GTR is designed to use the target road load (not dyno-set), the [f0a,f1a,f2a] seems to be better choice for this evaluation. A concern for calculating cycle demand by using only dyno set ABC. f0a, f1a, and f2a are a offset dyno-setABC_alt value to the level of target road load.

GTR test proposal (Annex 4) Upon the request of the vehicle manufacturer and approval of the responsible authority, an alternative warm-up procedure may be used. The approved alternative warm-up procedure may be used for vehicles within the same road load family. The procedure shall satisfy the following requirements: At least one vehicle representing the road load family shall be selected The cycle energy demand calculated according to paragraph 5 of Annex 7 with corrected road load parameters f 0a f 1a f 2a for the alternative warm-up procedure shall be equal or higher than that with the target road load parameters f 0 f 1 f 2 for each applicable phase. The corrected road load parameters f 0a f 1a f 2a shall be calculated according to the following equation: f 0a = f 0 + A d_alt - A d_WLTC f 1a = f 1 + B d_alt - B d_WLTC f 2a = f 2 + C d_alt - C d_WLTC where: A d_alt B d_alt and C d_alt are the chassis dynanometer setting coefficients after the alternative warm-up procedure and A d_WLTC B d_WLTC and C d_WLTC are the chassis dynanometer setting coefficients after a WLTC warm-up procedure defined in paragraph The corrected road load parameters f 0a f 1a f 2a shall be used only for the purpose of paragraph of this Annex. For the other purposes, the target road load parameters f 0 f 1 f 2 shall be used as the target road load parameters The details of the procedure and its equivalency shall be reported to the responsible authority.


ABC-values after WLTP precon ABC-values after alt. Warm-up Target RL- values Difference result. From Dyno- Difference F0 or setAN F1 or setBN/(km/h) F2 or setCN/(km/h)^ Test Masskg 1600 E'_WLTPE'_alt Difference in kJDifferenceE_WLTPE_alt Difference in kJDifference total cycle energy demandkJ % % total cycle energy demand, phase lowkJ % % total cycle energy demand, phase middlekJ % % total cycle energy demand, phase highkJ % % total cycle energy demand, phase extra-highkJ % % One example of case “E’ alt E WLTP ”

GTR test proposal based on original proposal at Pune (Annex 4) Upon the request of the vehicle manufacturer, an alternative warm-up procedure may be used with approval of the responsible authority in advance. The approved alternative warm-up procedure may be used for vehicles within the same road load family. The procedure shall satisfy the following requirements: At least one vehicle representing the roadload family shall be selected The cycle energy demand of each applicable phases calculated according to paragraph 5 of Annex 7 of the dyno set coefficients obtained by the alternative warm-up procedure shall be equal or higher than that of the WLTC warm-up procedure defined in paragraph The details of the procedure and its equivalency shall be reported to the responsible authority.