HILT IV Pilot Toolkit Demonstration Emma McCulloch Centre for Digital Library Research CIG 2008, Glasgow
Outline 1.Background to HILT 2.Pilot Toolkit various functions 3.Value to services BUBL; Intute 4.Future of HILT
HILT: Background HILT began in 2000 Subject interoperability problem: call a spade a spade! Distributed architecture SRU/W SKOS Pilot toolkit
Mapping Approach MeSH HASSET IPSV LCSH Mapping Types SKOS Limitations Manual vs Automated Local Schemes Folksonomies High vs Deep Level Mapping
HILT Toolkit SRU Functions get_collections get_ddc_records get_non_ddc_records get_all_records get_filtered_set browse hierarchies get spelling / wordnet suggestions
Result for get_collections (DDC 621.8) xml - Intute: Science, Engineering & Technology: Engineering The Intute Engineering Gateway provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities. Our target audience is students, staff and researchers in high Intute Collection bin/search.pl?gateway=Engineering&limit=0&term1= 1
get_all_records Combines functions of get_ddc_records and get_non_ddc records Retrieves DDC numbers and captions relating to a term AND retrieves terms mapped to retrieved DDC numbers from other schemes. Accepts a subject term 2 stage process First retrieves ddc_records with mappings denoting IDs Then, on selecting ‘get related concepts’, IDs are supplemented with corresponding terms from satellite schemes (the next slide shows the latter part of this result)
- xml - Weeds 2 xml - WEED CONTROL 7
get_filtered_set Allows specified fields from specific terminologies or combinations of terminologies to be searched. Additional parameters can be selected e.g. NPT, RT Accepts a subject term
(Partial) result for ‘pottery’ searching AAT using get_filtered_set. Pref labels for BTs and NTs can be retrieved by clicking ‘get related concepts’ when entering search term. xml - British Isles Medieval pottery styles 1 - xml - Italian Medieval pottery styles 2
Intute Enter search term Users get an option to ‘view suggestions’ No source scheme information; available in SKOS output
BUBL Demonstrates: Retrieval of relevant DDC hierarchies Collection retrieval Retrieval of scheme information Mapped terms Dynamic searching of remote service
HILT: The Future JISC Shared Service Distributed approach Substantial mapping effort Link up with other terminology services?
Tell us what you think! OR Emma McCulloch: Dennis Nicholson: Anu Joseph: HILT-Collaborators: