EAD Revision: Technical Considerations Terry Catapano EAD Roundtable Meeting
Overview Schema Language Choices EAD as Vocabulary/Ontology EAD Subset Tools
Schema: Languages Options DTD W3C XML Schema RelaxNG Maintenance? Distribution?
Schema Languages: Features XML Documentation and “appinfo” Strong Datatyping Namespace Support External Internal Allow Any? Allow Some? (Xlink, EAC?, MODS?) Maintenance/preservation implications Parsing, Validation, Processing
Vocabularies/Abstract Model Vocabulary for describing: Archival descriptions (records/documents) [Tag Library] Archival components (things) Establish URIs Formal Expression (SKOS?, RDFS?, OWL?) Implemented in schemata, xml instances TEI, NISO JATS, Dublin Core, DarwinCore...
Vocabularies, con't Enumerated values Complement, Incorporate others LOCAH Aaron Rubenstein/ Dublin Core, others...?
Component A subordinate part of [described archival] materials...An intellectually logical section of... described [archival] materials...A stage within a hierarchical description of [archival materials]. Unittitle The name, either formal or supplied, of described [archival] materials. May consist of a word, phrase, character, or group of characters...The <unittitle> is comparable to ISAD(G) element and MARC field 245 SKOS Straw Man
Profiling/Subsetting Base Schema + Subset(s) Endorsed/Official? Facilitate User created? Similar to approaches of other tagsets (TEI; JATS) Schematron – Rules-based Validation – XPATH Based
Schematron: Example If the value of a level attribute is "otherlevel', then the otherlevel attribute must be used ERROR: ELEMENT NOT ALLOWED <sch:report test="child::ead:* and text()[string-length(normalize-space(.)) != 0]" >ERROR: Mixed content is not allowed
Tools Migration – DTD to Schema – 2002 to EAD X Validation (e.g., Schematron) Conversions? – “EAD Tidy” – EAD to RDF Pipelines (XProc) Packaging?