The CFHT- Legacy Survey Elisabetta Semboloni Argelander Institut für Astronomie
Terapix/Skywatcher : all data 03A-05A : Megacam images W2 D4 W3 & D3 D2 The CFHTLS -Overview HST Groth strip GEMINI-N visibility VLT visibility VLT visibility + XMM fields VVDS spectro. survey VLT visibility + HST-Cosmos VLT visibility + Quasar field W1 & D1 W4 VVDS UKIDSS DXS
The CFHTL- Survey u*griz h h h h h 4 uncorrelated fields: W1=72 deg² W2=49 deg² W3=49 deg² W4=25 deg² Depth in the 5 colors: The CFHTLS Wide The CFHTLS Deep 4 uncorrelated fields 1 degree² each Depth in the 5 colors: u*griz
The CFHTLS Status First World Wide release on February 2007 ( data between June 1st, 2003 and May, 2005) T0004 release completed on June 2007 ( data between June 1st, 2003 and Oct. 24, 2006) Wide fields in the I band: W1= 44,W2=33,W3= 44,W4=16 Wide fields in all bands: W1=19, W2=0,W3=5,W4=11 End of the survey: 2008 u*griZ D % % % % % D % % % % % D % % % % % D % % % % %
Scientific goals Cosmic shear at very large scale (Wide) Galaxy-galaxy lensing(Wide) Evolution of shear signal (Deep) Cluster of galaxies (Deep + Wide) Observation of high redshift Quasar (Deep) Stellar population (Wide) Stars movement (Wide) Morphologic classification of galaxies Galaxy evolution Supernovae Survey (Deep)
The CFHTLS & the cosmic shear Hoekstra et al Semboloni et al Schimd et al. 2006
Latest CFHTLS-Wide shear results Work based on T0003 Wide release First Shear measurement up to 4 degrees !! Fu et al. in prep
CFHTLS Wide T0003 shear Results Fu et al. in prep WMAP 3 rd year + CFHTLS Wide
llbert et al 2006 A short (incomplete) summary of the science possible the CFHTLS Astier et al 2006 I Parker et al 2007 ….more at
The future of the CFHTLS ? The CFHTLS will be ended in 2008 Wircam and Megacam shown their performance and they could be employed for a 3 year new program Several options possible: - Wide shallow survey i=23.3, A=4600 deg² (no need of infrared ) - Deep survey i=25.2, A=80 deg² (Wircam follow up ) - Just focus on the follow up on the infra-red follow up of the CFHTLS-1 Many option but nothing has been still decided