Web Services & API กฤษฎา แก้วผุด ผ่อง นักวิชาการ คอมพิวเตอร์ งานเทคโนโลยี สารสนเทศ หอสมุดและคลัง ความรู้ม. มหิดล Mahidol University Service Consumer Service Provider
3 Service Publisher/Provider ( ไฟล์ WSDL) Service Consumer /Requestor Service Registry
Web Services, API and Millennium Integration What do API & Web Services do? Teach different systems to work together Allows Millennium to work with a third party application IUG16th Mahidol University Millennium Server Your Applications API / WSDL file
ervices/PatronIO?wsdl IUG16th Mahidol University
Web Services, API and Millennium Integration How do libraries use API ? For selfcheck For fines payment For backups For web portal integration IUG16th Mahidol University
What might you do with an API? Read records Update/create records Search for records Perform a business function e.g. >renew a book >pay off a fine IUG16th Mahidol University Web Services, API and Millennium Integration
Mahidol University Available API products Patron API My Millennium Web Service Patron Update Web Service Fines Payment Web Service Item Status API And More...
Patron API – How It Works Send an HTML request to a URL The API returns patron data Allows limits by library or vendor Often used for patron verification Millennium ServerYour Applications REC INFO[p!]=p EXP DATE[p43]= - - PCODE1[p44]=d PCODE2[p45]=s PCODE3[p46]=4 P TYPE[p47]=2 TOT CHKOUT[p48]=48 TOT RENWAL[p49]=0 CUR CHKOUT[p50]=3 BIRTH DATE[p51]= HOME LIBR[p53]=north NAPI/.p112233/dump Patron API – How It Works For authenticati on
Patron API – How It Works My Millennium Web Service For Display SearchPatrons Current checkouts, including due dates Items available for pickup Status of outstandings holds Booking information Fines information
How It Works Send an XML request to the server The web service returns patron data Send an XML update to the server Get back status or errors Millennium record updated Millennium ServerYour Applications... searchPatrons update status Patron Update Web Service For updating patrons
How Fines Payment works External software requests patron fine information Millennium responds External software displays fines External software takes payment External software sends payment information Millennium updates patron record Millennium Server External Software searchPatrons patronInfo payPatronFine Fines Payment Web Service For Selfcheck
Patron API – How It Works Item Status API For Selfcheck Teaches MilCirc to work with RFID Multiple item checkin and checkout
Express Lane Checkout
MilCir Checkout
Mahidol University
* nid=186 * /50/UDDI.pdf * t/THeGIFth.pdf * mentLibraryCharges2.pps * APIs – The Glue You Can Alan Dyck, Product Manager, Web Eric Leckbee, Product Manager, Circulation (IUG 2011-San Francisco) Reference Mahidol University
* Web Services, APIs and Millennium Integration / Eric Leckbee, Product Manager, Circulation (IUG 2010-Chicago) Reference Mahidol University
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