#3 The Tabular Format for Presentation Ted Mitchell
3) The machine’s equation in the first column Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A = W/r Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A Used for comparing performance, calculating averages, differences, forecasting
First Calibrated performance First Performance Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A A1 = $1,500 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A r1 = 600/$1,500 = 0.4 pts per dollar Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A W1 = Gained 600 points of awareness Used for comparing performance, calculating averages, differences, forecasting
Each Column is a performance report First performanceSecond performance Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A = W/r A1 = $1,500A2 = $500 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A r1 = 600/$1,500 = 0.4 pts per dollar r2 = 300/$500 = 0.6 pts per dollar Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A W1 = Gained W1 = 600 points W2 = Gained W2 = 300 points Used for comparing performance, calculating averages, differences, forecasting
Each Column is a performance report First performanceSecond performance Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A = W/r A1 = $1,500A2 = $500 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A r1 = 600/$1,500 = 0.4 pts per dollar r2 = 300/$500 = 0.6 pts per dollar Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A W1 = Gained W1 = 600 points W2 = Gained W2 = 300 points Used for comparing the differences of two performances, calculating an average performance, forecasting a performance, looking for trends in a series of performances
The Advantages of the Tabulation presentation is 1) More than one performance can be presented at a time 2) Several performances can be averaged together 3) Differences between two performances can be calculated and presented Lends its self to spreadsheet formats
First Format students use When playing a business stimulation that allows for ‘Groundhog Day’ replays You keep everything the same from one replay to the next Except the Single Marketing Input that is being changed in a systematic way to explore the Marketing outputs the change in decision is having an effect upon
Each Column is a Groundhog Day Report First performanceSecond performanceThird Performance Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A = W/r A1 = $1,500A2 = $1,000A3 = $500 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A Unfortunately most student’s don’t calibrate the entire performance Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A W1 = Gained W1 = 600 points W2 = Gained W2 = 450 points W3 = Gained W3 = 300 points
Each Column can be a fully calibrated Groundhog Day Report: Use a Spreadsheet First performanceSecond performanceThird Performance Input Factor: Advertising Expense, A = W/r A1 = $1,500A2 = $1,000A3 = $500 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=W/A r1 = 600/$1,500 = 0.4 pts per dollar r2 = 450/$1,000 = 0.45 pts per dollar r3 = 300/$500 = 0.6 pts per dollar Output: Customer Awareness level, W = r x A W1 = Gained W1 = 600 points W2 = Gained W2 = 450 points W3 = Gained W3 = 300 points
Change One Input at a time First performanceSecond performanceThird Performance Input Factor: Number of Servers, S S1 = 18S2 = 20S3 = 22 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=Q/S Output: Q = Cups sold in the week Q1 = 2,000Q2 = 2,200Q3 = 2,300
Can Monitor Several Different Outputs First performanceSecond performanceThird Performance Input Factor: Number of Servers, S S1 = 18S2 = 20S3 = 22 Conversion Factor: rate of converting Advertising into Awareness, r=Q/S Output: Q = Cups sold in the week Q1 = 2,000Q2 = 2,200Q3 = 2,300 Output: R = Sales Revenue in the week Output: Z = Marketing Profit Output: SAT Customer Satisfaction
Any Questions on Using the the Tabular format for presenting Two-Factor Marketing performances? The advantages of the format?