Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menus n Overview n Design guidelines n Types of menus
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Overview n Definition n Basic menus types n Advantages and disadvantages
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Overview n What is a menu? n Why do we use menus? n When should we use them? ?
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved What is a Menu? n A list of options from which a user selects a desired choice –Generally presented as text –May allow selection by keyboard or pointing device n Allow users to work by recognition instead of recall memory
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menus in MS Windows FileEditViewInsertFormatHelp New... Open... Close Save Save As... Cut Copy Paste Menu bar Pull-down Menu Pop-up Menu Send to > Mail recipient… Routing recipient... Cascading Menu
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menu-driven Applications 1. Purchasing Reports 2. Sales Reports 3. Purchasing Data Entry 4. Sales Data Entry 5. System Administration Type a selection and press __ (1 - 5) Whizz Co Reporting System
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Advantages of Menus n Reduced training need –Tells user what can be done and how to do it n Reduced memory load n Reduced keystrokes n Easier error handling –User choices are constrained n Enhancements are visible –Command line addition is invisible
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Disadvantages of Menus n Sometimes less efficient –especially with deep menu structures –can be tedious for expert users n Less flexible –allows only certain sequences of selections n Impractical for large sets of choices n Uses more space than command line –screen space is scarce
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Design guidelines n Menu structure n Menu choices n Menus in action
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menu Structure n Match structure to user tasks –not system data or internal structure n Provide a main menu –what is the main menu for MS Windows? n Allow for customization –not all users work the same way
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Depth Vs. Breadth DeepDeep Many levels Broad Many choices at one level
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Depth Vs. Breadth n Fewer levels is usually better –Although depth can provide isolation n Breadth within a level –4-8 choices without grouping –9 or more with grouping –Larger numbers in special cases expert user; simple choices; logical groupingexpert user; simple choices; logical grouping n Decreasing direction is usually better –Fewer choices at deeper levels
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menu Choices n Present text choices vertically –Left-justify text n Provide choice descriptors for complex systems –Look ahead - shows next lower menu when cursor passes over choice –Micro-help - brief menu description in pop-up or status bar
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Wording Menu Choices n Clear, common meaning –vocabulary of the user n Single, distinct words or short phrases n Grammatical consistency –key word first –parallel construction
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Wording Menu Choices __List all requirements for major __Courses offered by term __Suggested schedule to complete requirement __Help __List requirements __Search courses offerings __Build schedule __Help VS.
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Ordering Menu Choices n Do what makes sense –Common convention Example: months of the yearExample: months of the year –Frequency of expected use –Order of expected use –Alphabetic / Functional Especially for long lists with no obvious orderEspecially for long lists with no obvious order Order depends on type of expected useOrder depends on type of expected use January February March April Standard Formatting Animation Common Tasks Control Toolbox Drawing Pictures Reviewing Visual Basic Web Toolbars >
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Ordering Menu Choices n Separate destructive choices from other choices –especially from common choices n Use consistent ordering on related menus n Use separators to identify groups New... Open... Close Save Save As... Send to >
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Additional Indicators Do not use cascade or dialog indicators if selection sometimes produces direct action if selection sometimes produces direct action New... Open... Close Save Save As... Send to > Direct Action Cascade Dialog New... Open... Close Save Save As... Send to > Direct Action Cascade Dialog New... Open... Close Save Save As... Send to >
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Menus in Action n Choice selection n Keyboard support n Toggles
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Choice Selection n Provide defaults if sensible –Last or most frequent choice n Highlight current choice n Indicate unavailable choices –“Grayed out” –Removed from menu general rule: do not remove choicesgeneral rule: do not remove choices n Make choices large enough to select Unavailable New... Open... Close Send to > Save Save As... Print Current Choice
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Toggles n Toggled marks on choices –Multiple choices that can be active or inactive n Toggled choices –Mutually exclusive choices –Wording change adds to clarity Standard Formatting Animation Drawing Pictures Toolbars >Hide Grid Show Grid
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Keyboard Support n Goal: always provide keyboard support –Expert users –Motor skill problems –Cramped or grimy places Factory floorFactory floor PortablesPortables
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Keyboard Support n Keyboard equivalents –“Access keys” n Keyboard accelerators –“Shortcut” or “hot” keys Normal BoldCtrl+B ItalicCtrl+I UnderlineCtrl+U
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Other Considerations n Supporting expert users n Alternate menu structures n Alternate menus styles n Using existing menus
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Supporting Expert Users n Provide keyboard support n Support direct screen access –Type-ahead for successive menu choices –Menu screen names for direct access –Keystroke macros n Provide alternate menu systems –“standard” and “advanced” n Provide menu customization options
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Alternate Menu Structures Hierarchical Linear Networked
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Alternate Menu Styles n Other menu styles exist –and menus will probably evolve n Example: pie menus –Shallow hierarchy –Small set of choices –Marks Stylus / pensStylus / pens Hand-held computersHand-held computers DrawingDrawing Red Blue Green Pale Light Med Dark
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Use Existing Menus n Reduces development time n Reduces user learning n Consider: –menu style and structure –menu choice names n Warning! –Do not force a fit Do not bend the meaning of menu optionsDo not bend the meaning of menu options Don’t reinvent the wheel
Copyright 1999 all rights reserved Summary n Menus are a widely used interface style –lots of good reasons why n Menus are not a perfect choice –know what the tradeoffs are n Good menus require a lot of careful thought –and a good bit of testing