Workpackage 2 Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting Prof. Dr. Vesna Lopicic Prof. Dr. Zoran Nikolic Prof. Dr. Ivan Milentijevic University of Nis, Serbia
WP 2 WP type: Development WP name: Advancement of university integrative function through internationalization of education, research and academic mobility Duration: 25 months (mo. 6 – mo. 30) Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Deliverables, cont. B1 - Models of internationalization from EU partners identified, transferred and implemented at Serbian HEIs B2 – Development and adoption of university strategies on internationalization of HE and research at universities in Serbia B3 – Development and adoption of university strategies for increasing the quality and scope of academic mobility at universities in Serbia Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Deliverables Deliver- able N° TitleType or nature of deliverable Language(s)Delivery Date Disseminatio n level B1 Models of Internationalisation transfered Report SR, EN Institution level B2 University strategies on internationalisation Methodology EN, SR National level B3 University strategies for increasing the quality Methodology EN, SR National level Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Deliverables, cont. B1 - Models of internationalization from EU partners identified, transferred and implemented at Serbian HEIs Activities: study visit to EU partner universities in Graz and Pecs working groups for strategic internationalization in education and research workshop on best practices of academic and administrative support for international students and staff and organization of joint and double degrees guidelines for institutional practices regarding academic recognition Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Timeline Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting Start Finish JulyOctoberJanuaryAprilJulyOctoberJanuaryApril Study visits University strategies on academic mobility Write guidelines University internationalization strategies of HE & research -II- Organize Workshop
WP participants UNI - WP coordinator Coordination of all activities planned in this WP. Participation in the study visits, Organization of the university working groups, Attending workshop, Writing guidelines for institutional practices regarding academic recognition and facilitation of development of university strategies: on internationalization of HE and research and for increasing the quality and scope of academic mobility. Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants UNS Participation in the study visits, Organizing university working groups, Organization of the workshop, Development of university strategies: on internationalization of HE and research and for increasing the quality and scope of academic mobility. Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants UB, UNIKG, SUNP, SUB Participation in the study visits, Organizing university working groups, Development of university strategies: on internationalization of HE and research and for increasing the quality and scope of academic mobility. Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants Uni Graz, UP/PTE Hosting the study visit, Presenting at workshop on best practices of academic and administrative support for international students and staff and organization of joint and double degrees, Writing guidelines for institutional practices and regulations regarding academic recognition of mobility periods Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants UGent Presenting at workshop on best practices of academic and administrative support for international students and staff and organization of joint and double degrees, Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants WUS Austria Hosting the study visit meeting at WUS. Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
WP participants MEST, NCHE, NCSTD Attending workshop on best practices of academic and administrative support for international students and staff and organization of joint and double degrees. Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Engagement of staff in WP2 (in working days) PartnerCat.1Cat.2Cat.3Cat.4Total UNI UNS UB, UNIKG, SUNP, SUB Uni Graz UGent02204 UP/PTE WUS00303 Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Mobility PartnerDestinationPersons X days UB, UNI, UNIKG, SUB, SUNP Study visits AT + HU2p x 7d + 2p x 5d Workshop Novi Sad2p x 2d UNSStudy visits AT + HU2p x 7d + 2p x 5d UGent, Uni Graz, UP/PTE Workshop Novi Sad2p x 4d MEST, NCHE, NCSTDWorkshop Novi Sad2p x 2d BINSStudy visits AT + HU2p x 7d + 2p x 5d NISStudy visits AT1p x 7d Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Equipment, P&P For each Serbian university (UB, UNS, UNI, UNIKG, SUB, SUNP): 3x notebook 1x smart board (interactive touch board + projector) Publishing 2 internationalisation strategies (2x500€) Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting
Tasks delegation/reports su mission communication flow Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting Coordinator WP2 Leader Delegated contact persons for WP2 of all partners participating in WP2 Task leaders of all partners participating in WP2
WP2 leader Prof. Dr. Ivan Milentijevic University of Nis "The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." –Olympic CharterOlympic Charter Novi Sad, TEMPUS SIPUS, Kick-off meeting