E.1 EYEBALLS 3D: Videos of Patients, Models, Dogs L.F. Dell'Osso Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory CASE Medical School and Louis Stokes Cleveland DVA Medical Center Department of Neurology Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
MV1 INS 1cy PPfs
MV2 INS 4cy Jef
MV3 INS 3cy PPfs
MV5 INS PPfs Hor Vrt Tor
MV6 INS Subclinical SSN
MV7 INS PPfs Model & Human
MV8 INS Pfs Step Model
MV9 INS PPfs Pulse Model
MV10 INS Ramp Step-Ramp Model
MV11 FMNS Gaze-Angle Effect Model
MV12 FMNS Alternate Cover Test Model
MV13 FMNS Adducting Eye Fix Model
MV14 INS Damping Rapid Convergence
MV15 INS Pre-T&R
MV16 INS Post-T&R
MV17 INS Pre-Gene Therapy
MV18 INS Pre-Gene Therapy
MV19 INS Post-Gene Therapy
MV20 INS Post-Gene Therapy
OSCILLOPSIA (perceived world motion) Under Normal Viewing Conditions: INSNo OSOP = no impairment *NOT SYMPTOMATIC ANOSOP = severe impairment *PRIMARY SYMPTOM Under Certain Viewing Conditions: INSsome may “note” OSOP = no impairment *NOT SYMPTOMATIC
MV21 Oscillopsia Simulation
No ECPY ECPY MV21 Oscillopsia Simulation
MV22 APN Pre- Post-Therapy
MV23 INS Alternating J Model
MV24 Flutter
MV25 Flutter (BLind Person)
MV26 Psychogenic Flutter
MV27 Square-Wave Jerks
MV28 Opsoclonus