Impact of Next Generation IP on Indian Railways - Pradnyil Usgaonkar
The IP world IP is ubiquitous IP allows compression IP offers you true convergence of Voice, Video and data IP is quick to deploy IP is media friendly IP is inexpensive
IP in Switching application IRIS NGX Server- Main IRIS NGX Server– Hot Duplication mode IP IP Network IP Station 1-FXS Station 2 -FXS Station 3 -FXS Disaster recovery Server station 4 Station 67-FXSStation 68-FXS POTS SIP Based Unified Communi cation / IVR IP Telephones
Next Generation PDMUX based Products PDMUX with Voice Compression IP MUX – PDMUX with IP WAN link PDMUX with Router functionality
Proposed PDMUX with Voice Compression STM-1 PDMUX E1 Optical Fiber EMS Control Ckt. #1 HQ Station Control Ckt. #2 E&M FXO V.2 4 V.3 5 FXO #1 #2 #3 STM PDMUX E1 Way Side Station #1 V.24 E&M STM PDMUX E1 V.24 E&M Way Side Station #2 One 64kbps Timeslot in the E1 link is used for carrying upto 8 voice channels. E1 PBX
Pure IP Mux PDMUX Ethernet EMS Control Ckt. #1 HQ Station Control Ckt. #2 E&M FXO #1 #2 #3 PDMUX Way Side Station #1 E&M Ethernet PDMUX Way Side Station #3 E&M Ethernet PDMUX Way Side Station #2 E&M Ethernet IP Network
IP MUX with a built-in router functionality STM PDMUX E1 STM PDMUX E1 STM PDMUX E1 Ethernet STM PDMUX E1 Ethernet IP Network Optical Fiber Central Server of Bank HQ Station Way Side Station One 64kbps Timeslot of the E1 network can be used for communicating with all the ATMs/Kiosks of the Way side stations
IP Mux in Accident Relief Train IPMUX E&M IP Camera POTS Telephones E&M Telephones WiFi Access Point VoIP Phones Laptop Walkie Talkie IP Link (Ethernet) Radio Interface
IP In wireless applications
Micro BTS – Application in Disaster management -ART
A word about Coral Telecom Indigenous company,built by technocrats with a focus on developing telecom technologies – 15% of annual turnover earmarked for R & D DSIR recognised R&D center at Noida, India. ISO 9001:2008 certified by DNV. National footprint with 14 branches across India Two international offices - Dubai & Jo’burg 150 dedicated resellers 3 OEM partners 5 Technology buyers including BEL & ITI Strategic partnership with BEL, ITI and TCIL
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