Vowel sounds June Kindly contributed by Kathy Crockford. Search for Kathy on Visit the download page for this resource to find curriculum links and related resources. June Kindly contributed by Kathy Crockford. Search for Kathy on Visit the download page for this resource to find curriculum links and related resources. Curriculum links Adult Literacy Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words (a) Understand that own language experience can be used when reading, to help predict sense and meaning of words (b) Understand that illustrations and other graphics can give clues to the likely meaning of individual words (c) Understand that written words correspond to their spoken equivalents and are composed of letters in combinations, to represent spoken sounds (d) Identify sounds in familiar, regular words from spoken experience, and recognise correspondence between sounds (phonemes) and letters (graphemes) Functional English Entry Level 1 Read and understand simple regular words and sentences
Vowels AEI O U Apple EggIgloo Orange Umbrella
Short A Apple
Short A Africa
Long A Alien
Long A April
A Short A Apple Africa Long A April Alien
Short E Egg
Short E Electricity
Short E Emerald
Long E Egypt
Long E Emu
Long E Evening
Long E Equals = 4
E Short E Egg Electricity Emerald Long E Emu Egypt Evening Equals
Short I Igloo
Short I Italy
Short I Ink
Long I Ireland
Long I Iceberg
Long I Ivy
I Short I Igloo Italy Ink Long I Ireland Iceberg Ivy
Short O Orange
Short O October
Oblong This is an oblong shape
Long O Overworked
Long O Only Owner For Sale £550 Only Careful Lady Owner
Long O Oval This is an oval shape
O Short O Orange October Oblong Long O Overworked Only Owner Oval
Short U Underground
Short U Umbrella
Long U United
Long U University
U Short U Umbrella Underground Long U United University