Advancement Policies and Procedures MIDN 3/C Sutton
Objective Identify the following NSCC/NLCC Rank Structure Time in Grade Requirements Training Requirements Correspondence Course Requirements Petty Officer Testing Procedures
Requirements for All ALL Correspondence courses must be completed and passed with a score of 70% or above. Each assignment must be turned in on an NSCC answer sheet. 6 months time in grade for each rank except for E2 (3 months).
NSCC E1-E3 E1-E2 Training Requirement Attend and Complete NSCC Recruit Training Correspondence Course Basic Military Requirements (NAVEDTRA 14325) Approval of Commanding Officer E2-E3 Training Requirement Any Advanced Training Correspondence Course Seaman Course (NAVEDTRA 14067) Approval of Commanding Officer
NSCC E3-E5 E3-E4 Training Requirement Any Advanced Training Correspondence Course PO3/PO2 Assignments 1 and 2 Pass PO3 exam with 60% or better Approval of Commanding Officer E4-E5 Training Requirement Petty Officer Leadership Academy Correspondence Course PO3/PO2 Assignments 3-5 Pass PO2 Exam with 60% or better Approval of Commanding Officer
NSCC E5-E7 E5-E6 Training Requirement Any Advanced Training Correspondence Course Petty Officer First Class Correspondence Course Pass PO1 Exam with 63% or better Approval of National Headquarters E6-E7 Training Requirement Staff Recruit Training Correspondence CPO Correspondence Course Approval of National Headquarters
NLCC Requirements
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