STAFF 27 Permanent Researchers; 7 Fixed-time Researchers 10 Technicians & Administration; 34 Under contract and training personnel Director: Fabio Trincardi.


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Presentation transcript:

STAFF 27 Permanent Researchers; 7 Fixed-time Researchers 10 Technicians & Administration; 34 Under contract and training personnel Director: Fabio Trincardi Section Head: Mariangela Ravaioli Research lines Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas Quaternary stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Technological Development

A new set of oceanic transorms Bonatti et al, Geology Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas Temporal variations in the formation process of the oceanic crust

Geological risk: Es. offshore Portugal (Gracia et al.., Geology, 2003) ‏ Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas

Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Submarine landslides (and geological risk) Deep Corals Mud volcanoes And fluid emission Mediterranean depositional systems : - olocenic deltas - canyon and turbiditic systems - conturitic deposits Eustatic variations Continental Margins

Landslides, submarine currents and deep ecosystems Recent landslides in Gela basin «Ancient» landslide swept by cascading currents on the southern Adriatic margin Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology

Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Geologic Cartography scale 1:

Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology -120 m End of Glacial era Years ago - 0 m RESOURCES SEARCH & SUSTEINABILITY

Carbon cycle Key study areas Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas

Monitoring and modelling of Anoxia for the environmental management Ossigeno disciolto di fondo (mg/L) Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas Anoxix zones in the North Adriatic

Marine observation networks: Global change and biodiversity Temperatura Salinità(blu) Ossigeno Fluorescenza Station S1 Station E1 Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas Measures along the water column and at the air-water-sediment interface, integrated with satellite observation

Ismar-Bologna study areas

Present oceanic data bank CROP Anocsia Data bankBanche Dati da Stazioni e Siti Fissi Data Base web-GIS HERMES project Cartographic Data Bank in Adriatic MOON: Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network Vannucci et al. (2004) Technological Development

SW corer Piston corer Automatic benthic camera Technological Development