Learning & Development Roadmap (LaDR) for Enlisted Sailors Command Brief 2010 Unclassified
Background The Naval Education and Training Command created the LaDR to focus on incremental achievement of Professional Military Education (PME) continuum to include: Joint Professional Education Navy Professional Military Education Leadership Advanced Education The LaDR establishes an integrated enlisted professional development plan with buy-in from across Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (MPTE), Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) and the broader Navy The LaDR provides Sailors and their leadership a guide that displays in one location all of their current and projected enlisted training and education requirements as they advance
Purpose The LaDR was developed to ensure that every Sailor is afforded the opportunity to develop and achieve their personal and professional goals by: Providing a structure to meet the Navy’s goals of having a well-trained and educated enlisted workforce using the continuum concept Providing Sailors a checklist to see where they are, and where they need to head for personal and professional success Providing deck plate leadership with a tool for mentoring sessions, and Career Development Boards (CDB), as outlined in OPNAV Instruction 1500.77 Providing leadership an in-depth understanding of all rating opportunities
Command Responsibilities Ensure all Sailors have access to the LaDR Provide information and counseling that encourages Sailors to make maximum use of all programs and opportunities in their LaDR Ensure Sailors appearing before the CDB have their LaDR reviewed Advise and counsel Sailors on the significance of the relationship of personal and professional development to job performance and career development Encourage Sailors to pursue professional credentials, advanced education, and qualifications
Sailor Responsibilities Use the LaDR as a guide to career development and success Verify that all items completed are updated in their official record Provide relevant feedback on the LaDR via the chain of command and NKO Enlisted Learning and Development Strategy web page Comply with all time sensitive items in the LaDR so as to not miss out on opportunities for: Reenlistment (Perform to Serve gates) Advancement Choice orders
Concentration Areas LaDR Umbrella Leadership Training Warfare Qualifications Rate Training Tuition Assistance/NCPACE Navy COOL USMAP Navy College Montgomery GI Bill Post 9/11 GI Bill Professional Military Education
Development Continuum Focus on TECHNICAL and PROFESSIONAL Development Focus on JOINT and PERSONAL Development Primary Apprentice (E1-E4) Intermediate Journeyman (E5-E6) Senior Master (E7-E9) Opportunities available through Multiple Delivery Methods: Resident, Non-Resident, Full-time, Part-time, Off-Duty, & Web-Based Refs: CJCSI 1805.1 EPMEP OPNAVINST 1500.77 LaDR ENPME/Certs/Quals Advanced Education EJPME Leadership
Career Progression E9 E8 E7 E5-E6 E4 E1-E3 DEP CAPSTONE Advanced Joint War fighting E9 CMC/COB Senior Enlisted Academy E8 USMAP (Military Apprenticeship) TA & NCPACE E7 Primary Enlisted PME Leadership training / Leadership Currency Course Development Opportunities Advanced Education Voucher (AEV) E5-E6 Chief Petty Officer Select & Induction (CPOSLC) Academic Skills Basic Enlisted PME Petty Officer First Class Select Leadership Training Navy COOL E4 Introductory Enlisted PME Advanced Technical Training DANTES College Testing Petty Officer Second Class Select Leadership Training E1-E3 Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST) Petty Officer Third Class Select Leadership Training Accelerate to Excellence Development Requirements DEP Professional Qualifications Technical Training RTC Basic Navy Handbook E2
LaDR Outline Skills Training (Great Sailor First) Professional Military Education Required Skills Training Recommended Skills Training NEC Opportunity and Critical NECs Job Description Recommended Billets Required Navy PME Required Community PME Recommended Navy PME Recommended Community PME Reserve PME (courses with reserve points) Navy Professional Reading Program Recommended Community Reading Reference Section Personal & Professional Growth Career Development Board Qualifications and Certifications (Navy COOL & USMAP) Stay Navy (Retention Tools) Separation/Retirement (Transition Tools) Education Rating Relevant Options General Information Degree Plans
Skills Training (Great Sailor First) Items directly related to job performance Required Skills Training Standard Naval Training, “A” & “C” Schools, directed by higher written authority, required for a Sailor to perform their occupation Other training that is not occupation related but still required Recommended Skills Training Standard Naval Training, “C” & “F” Schools, recommended for skill enhancement for a Sailor to perform their occupation NEC Opportunity and Critical NECs Rate specific NECs or critical NECs based on community managers input (updated annually) Job Description Occupational job descriptions performed by that rate Recommended Billets Career enhancing potential assignment(s)
Personal & Professional Growth Items to mentor and improve a Sailor’s career approach Career Development Board (CDB) Minimum required items to be addressed at a Sailor’s CDB Qualifications & Certifications General Navy and rating specific qualifications along with Navy COOL & USMAP Certifications Stay Navy (Retention Tools) Provides a listing of milestones that a Sailor must accomplish to ensure retention eligibility E6 and below are provided a Fleet Ride description that assists them in the execution of the Perform To Serve (PTS) process Separation/Retirement (Transition Tools) Timeline of major items for Sailors to follow to make sure they are eligible to be retained or prepared to transition
Professional Military Education Items indirectly related to job performance Required Navy PME Navy awareness topics to include GMT dictated by higher authority Required Community PME Other training requirements that are occupation related and dictated by higher written authority for performance in their rate Recommended Navy PME Highly recommended courses proven to be career enhancing: Navy War College joint continuum courses (Introductory, Basic and Primary) Core college courses found in most degree plans Cultural and regional awareness offerings
Professional Military Education (cont) Items indirectly related to job performance Recommended Community PME Items not required by higher authority but deemed helpful for advancement Reserve PME Courses that once completed offer reserve points Navy Professional Reading Program Recommended readings categorized by experience level as well as subject matter Recommended Community Reading Additional reading options for Sailors with a rate relevant theme Reference Page Listing of all relevant references that will assist a Sailor in researching and planning for their personal and professional development
Items related to a Sailor’s education Education Section Items related to a Sailor’s education Rating Relevant Options Associate and bachelor degree plans that maximize work experience and American Council on Education credits Provides a path for each Sailor to earn a degree benefitting themselves and the Navy General Information Detailed list of programs and tools that assist Sailors in achieving their education goals Degree Plans Reviewed and approved by Learning Centers and Community Managers
LaDR Sponsors Learning Centers Enlisted Communities Rating Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering Seabees BU, CE, CM, EA, EA, EO, SW, UT Center for SEAL/SWCC Spec-War SO, SB Center for Information Dominance Cryptological CTI, CTM, CTN, CTR, CTT, IT Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Aviation ABE, ABF, ABH, AC, AD, AE, SG, AM, AME, AO, AS, AT(I) (O), AWF, AWO, AWR, AWS, AWV, AZ, PR Naval Recruiting NC NC(R) Center for Personal and Professional Development NC(C) Center for Naval Intelligence IS Center for Surface Combat Systems Surface Combat BM, ET, FC, GM, IC, MN, OS, QM, STG Center for Submarine Learning Submarines ET COMMS, ET NAV, FT, MM AUX, MM WEP, MT, STS Center for Naval Engineering Engineering DC, EM, EN, GSE, GSM, HT,MM, MR Center for Security Forces MA Center for Service Support Admin & Supply CS, LN, MC, MU, LS, PS, RP, SH, YN Center for EOD and Diving EOD / ND EOD, ND Navy Medicine MPT&E HM Center for Nuclear Power Training NUCs SUBMARINE: EM, ET, MM. MM (ELT) SURFACE: EM, ET, MM. MM (ELT)
Click on the Career Management Tab How to access a LaDR Click on the Career Management Tab
Click on The Enlisted Learning and Development (LaDR) Hyperlink Click here
Click on your Learning Center (LC) to access your rating LaDR Click on your LC
Click on your paygrade to access the specific section required
LaDR Excerpts
LaDR Excerpts