1 CCK: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE Prof. Habib Youssef General Manager, CCK, Tunis, Tunisia e-AGE 2013, Tunis, 12 – 13 December, 2013
3 CCK: Centre de Calcul Khawarizmi Founded in 1976 Provides Core networking infrastructure with Internet access (Wired and wireless connections) Monitoring and Security Services Internet Information Services Several critical services Mobile services Production and distribution of informational systems oriented to university and scientific circles (Application and System Development) Training Consultation and advisory role services Observatory role of technological and scientific development in IT in the academic field (Technology planning, technology watch and standards) It is now the Brain, Heart, and Veins of the Tunisian academic community
General Manager (Directeur Général) Administrative and Financial Services Management (Secrétariat Général ) Sous Direction des affaires administratives, financières et de l’équipement Service des Affaires administratives et juridiques Service Financier et de l’équipement Sous Direction de la recherche, des projet et de la formation Service de la Formation et de l’ouverture sur l’environnement Service des projets et de veille technologique Operations and Services Management (Direction de l’exploitation et des services Sous Direction Internet et des services Service des abonnements et suivi Service d’hébergement Sous Direction RNU Scientific andTechnical Council
– 1997: The Beginning Services provided Computing facility for the academic community (supports teaching and research) Host to application services used by a variety of entities locally developped applications, e.g. results of national exams (high school, primary school, orientation, ONOU, etc.) acquired, e.g. statistical packages, simulation environment, software environment for scientifc computing, etc.
7 Since 1997 – Internet Service Provider It became the sole Internet Service Provider for all public research and higher education institutions. Manages and maintains Core networking infrastructure and Internet access (via LANs and dialup) Internet services such as , web access, remote access Monitoring and Security Services Host to Web sites and criticial national applications Started with a 256 Kbps in the core Became 4 Mbps in 2001
8 BB CCK POP El Manar CCK POP Manouba CCK POP Kasbah Institutions 2x2 Mbps4x2 Mbps 5x2 Mbps (Leased lines) Institutions 100 Mbps GEANT ATI INTERNET 100 Mbps 2004 Core topology Scientific computing servers Web servers Dialup service E-Services Mail servers Web servers Dialup service E-Services Routing equipments 5 Leased Lines Kasbah Nx64 Kbps each 2 Mbps 8 LL 22.5 Mbps
10 Then several upgrades… CCK infrastructure continued to evolve with respect to Size Workload Bandwidth Services
Upgrading to RNU1 18 October 2007: Agreement with Tunisie Telecom to implement: 360 ADSL connections with bandwidth ranging between 2 Mbps and 6 Mbps 5 x 10 Mbps Fiber Optic Connections 2 STM1 (2 x 155Mb / s): connecting the two PoPs, CCK-EL Manar and TT-Kasbah connecting the two PoPs, CCK - Manouba and TT-Kasbah E3 backup connection (34 Mbps) between CCK - Manar and CCK- Manouba 11
12 BB CCK POP El Manar CCK POP Manouba CCK POP Kasbah Institutions E3 (34 Mbps) Institutions 2x1Gbps ATI INTERNET 2008 Core topology Mail servers Web servers Dialup service E-Services Routing equipments Kasbah Adsl 2-6Mbps 8 LL 2x1Gbps STM1 (155 Mbps) FO SDH Ring FST ENSI ESC ESCE ISCAE FLM ISD IPSI UNIVERSITE MANOUBA ENIT FDSPT FSEGT STM1 (155 Mbps) 100 Mbps FO GEANT 45 Mbps
13 BB CCK POP El Manar CCK POP Manouba CCK POP Kasbah Institutions E3 (34 Mbps) Institutions 2x1Gbps ATI INTERNET 2010 Core topology Mail servers Web servers Dialup service E-Services Routing equipments Kasbah Adsl 2-6Mbps 8 LL 2x1Gbps 1 Gbps) FO SDH Ring FST ENSI ESC ESCE ISCAE FLM ISD IPSI UNIVERSITE MANOUBA ENIT FDSPT FSEGT 1 Gbps) 100 Mbps FO GEANT 45 Mbps
15 Evolution of the number of users over the period
16 Users distribution per field of study (2007)
Upgrading to RNU2 On 16 September 2012, agreement with Tunisie Telecom: a) The deployment of 194 optical fiber connections with bandwidth varying between 20 and 100 Mbps. b) The deployment of 194 Corporate ADSL connections with bandwidth 20 Mbps. c) Upgrading of two connections (2x1Giga) connecting the CCK EL Kasbah to TT Backbone by two 2x10Giga connections. d) The establishment of a point of presence in CCK EL Ouerdia, which will serve as a rescue/ backup site for POP EL Kasbah. 17
Core topology
19 BB –TT EL kasbah CCK POP El Manar CCK POP Manouba CCK POP Kasbah STM1 (155 Mbps) Institutions 2x10Gbps 2014 Core topology 2x10Gbps 1Gbps POP CCK Ouerdia Backup POP Kasbah ATI Ouerdia ATI ELKasbah 10Gbps Réseau Internet BB-TT Belvédère 10Gbps Institutions FO Mb/s Corporate ADSL 20Mb/s FO Mb/s Corporate ADSL 20Mb/s 1Gbps
20 Future – has already started Put more bandwidth Consolidate services through a well designed data center Consolidate application servers, Web servers, communication equipment, security systems, system administrators, support personnel, and anything or anybody else that provides data services ( Cloud services and cloud computing) Put in place adequate mechanisms to understand current and future community needs. Users may know their current needs but usually do not have any idea about their future needs. Interconnect RNU to other NRENs (Eumedconnect3, Géant, Eduroam, ASREN, …)
21 Future… Should organize and manage the network Data Center effectively so that QoS is acceptable, downtime is minimized, troubleshooting is easier, and the room's infrastructure is efficiently used Keeping data on the number of users, connections, etc., is no longer sufficient, we must maintain QoS about the network QoE metrics for the provided services Can we?
22 Yes we can…