The model: some key issues Godfrey Rust, Data Definitions Technical Coordinator, project MODELS workshop,
The model: some key issues A right is the right to let something happen All web transactions are rights transactions Money does not need to change hands IP rights are initiated by law Rights flow from the original owner in potentially infinite chains Stuff is complex so rights are complex The data structure is the same at every point in the chain
Generic attributes Entity LabelForm QuantityType Entity Role Author, Owner, Abstraction, Component, Description, Parent, Context... noun
Event Party Acts in Place Time Happens in Context A model of making
Concept Event Party Acts in Place Time Expression Happens in Context Is used in Abstraction Is expressed in Is abstracted to A model of making
Percept Concept Event Party Acts in Place Time Expression Happens in Context Is used in Abstraction Is expressed in Is Fixed in Produces Is abstracted to A model of making Artefact Is abstracted to Manifestation
Material Spatio- Temporal Abstract Expression Manifestation Atoms, bits “I made it” Actions “I did it” Concepts I conceived it” Identifiers include... ISWC ISAN PII DOI Fixed in Abstracted to Identifiers include... ISBN ISSN UPC/EAN DOI Identifiers include... ISRC UMID DOI Abstraction Expressed in Abstracted to Creation types
Material Spatio- Temporal Abstract Recording CD Fixed in Abstracted to Song Expressed in Abstracted to Musical creations
Material Spatio- Temporal Abstract Writing Text Fixed in Abstracted to Textual Work Expressed in Abstracted to Textual creations
Material Spatio- Temporal Abstract Filming Programme Fixed in Abstracted to AV Work Expressed in Abstracted to AV creations
Material Spatio- Temporal Abstract Performance? IP? Atoms, bits “I made it” Actions “I did it” Concepts I conceived it” Identifiers include... ISWC ISAN PII DOI Fixed in Abstracted to Identifiers include... ISBN ISSN UPC/EAN DOI Identifiers include... ISRC UMID DOI Work? Expressed in Abstracted to Intellectual property
Resource description is about stuff Rights are about contracts and licences Workflow is about events (People are in there somewhere) Putting all this together is…[add your view here] A conventional view of metadata
Resource description is about events Rights are about events Workflow is about events People act in events Putting all this together may be simpler than we thought A dynamic view of metadata
Percept Concept Event Place Time Being Primitives
This ppt metadata Primitives G Rust Ealing Event
This ppt Subject Creator Time Place metadata Resource description G Rust Ealing Event
Creating This ppt metadata Primitives G Rust Ealing
Creating agent output input context This ppt metadata G Rust Ealing Event description
Entity Verb Entity input agent patient output context Event description
Entity Verb Entity input agent patient output context by to in, on, about etc with Event description
Creating agent output input context E1 This ppt metadata Ealing G Rust Creating event
London Mark Bide Showing This ppt agent patient context E2 Using event
Showing This ppt agent patient context E2E1 London Mark Bide Using event
BIC/NISO Mark Bide Showing This ppt agent patient context E2E1 Complex event
BIC/NISO Mark Bide Showing This ppt agent patient E2E1 London context ??? E3 Complex event
Mark Bide This ppt agent E2E1 Adapting E4 input His ppt Next week Frimley Gn output context E3 Transforming event
The bar Tonight G Rust Agreeing agent context E5 Mark Bide agent Agreement
output Showing Adapting The pub Tonight G Rust Agreeing agent context E5 Mark Bide agent E4E3 Agreement
permission Showing Adapting The pub Tonight G Rust Agreeing agent context E5 Mark Bide agent E4E3 Permission
The pub Tonight G Rust Paying payee time place E6 Mark Bide payer £20 input Requirement
requirement permission Showing Adapting The bar Tonight G Rust Agreeing party time place E5 Mark Bide party E4E3 Paying E6 Complete agreement...
Main “rights” events and situations Agreement (AgreeingEvent) Offer (OfferingEvent) Rights Statement (RightsSituation)
Main types of permission (“rights”) Use to create (express, record, modify, excerpt, compile, replicate...) Disseminate (lend, rent, perform, display, broadcast…) Perceive/enjoy (see, hear, touch, taste, smell) Keep Grant further permissions
Main types of requirement Payment Reciprocal permissions Report use Protect creations (None)
Model agreement? (event) AgreeingEvent LabelForm QuantityType Person Party Person Context Time Place RequirementPermission Event(s)
Model permission? (event) Using LabelForm QuantityType Person(s) PartyContext Time Place InputOutput Creation(s)
Model rights statement? (situation) Possessing LabelForm QuantityType Person(s) PartyContext Time Place InputPatient Creation(s) Right(s)